Sunday, April 4, 2010

365- Week 13

What a week:
  • My husband was away on business.
  • Went to the ER Tuesday morning with Nicolo for an injury to the eye. Thank the Lord it was not serious and in two days you never knew it happened. (Baked cookies and cupcakes for bake sale)
  • Wednesday 4:30 a.m. I am giving Francesco nebulized saline for croup. Went to the doctor to get steroid, then called by daycare at 3:00 for a 102 fever. (Frosted cupcakes for bake sale)
  • Thursday, took Nicolo and bake sale items to school. Took Francesco to his Nonno's (can't go to daycare for 24 hours after a fever), went to the dentist (fun), pick up Nicolo early...croupy cough.
  • Friday- travel to parents with kids, shopped for shoes and clothes for a wedding in May (Thanks Mom you're the best).
  • Saturday- 4:00 am, Nicolo with fever and croupy cough worse. Traveled home to get medication. Realized I left my camera battery charger at parents. Had to buy a new one.
  • Sunday- brunch with the family, laundry, laundry, egg hunt, cleaning, laundry....collapse.
  • Still took pictures everyday!
So glad this week is over, so glad my husband is home, hope this is the last croup for the season.

Week 13


  1. Well, at least you found time to stop and photograph the flowers along the way. ;) Sorry it was such a rough week. Glad you survived! Hope the boys are feeling better soon. Croup is scary and NO FUN!

  2. Oh Cara - what a week! Glad that everyone is on the mend...I hope you get some rest this week!

  3. egads that is a harsh week!!!
    Glad you survived!

  4. Beautiful shots this week, Cara! I especially love the flower in the bottom right.....brilliant bokeh! Did you use a texture on this? It looks so artsy! I also love the one on Nico with the bubbles - too cute!
