Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Francesco's First Game ~ Candyland

We of course played by his rules, but it was so much fun. I couldn't wait for the day I could play boardgames with him. I love it!

In on the fun over at Wordless Wednesday


  1. your pictures are beautiful!

  2. well, you already know I love this picture...I didn't know he was playing Candyland, though - won't that be so fun to play things like this with them?

    By the way, how are Francesco and Nicolo getting along these days? Caden is FINALLY getting "into" Cole and they have started playing a bit - it's so cute! I can't wait for the day when they can REALLY play - that will be awesome!

  3. wow, great photo! I love the angle and the dark colors.

  4. I am lovin' his bedhead hair and the light is fabulous. We like playing games at our house too.

  5. Looks like he took the introduction very seriously! I really like the wide, low perspective. Yay for board games.

  6. Beautiful shot! I love the b/w and the light is great with the shadows running across the game. :) Great shot. I love his hair too, all fly away.
