Thursday, April 29, 2010

Team-Up Thursday - Rain

When Jen e-mailed me some suggestions for a theme this week I immediate picked rain/water. It seems like that is all is does when I have anytime at all to take a photo.
Monday early evening as we ate dinner the rain poured down on the table on the deck. I knew then that I wanted to try and get the water on the edge of the table. So as the rest of the crew ate, I pulled out the tripod and the zoom lens and open the sliding door...letting the cold air in. Of course, the boys were not phased by this one bit, including my husband.

Team Up Thursday - Rain

I love the DOF, the colors and the composition of Jen's. I also like how there is a similar green in both photos that ties them together even more than the rain/water.

Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma

Monday, April 26, 2010

Best Shot Monday:Life is looking pretty Happy!

Tracey wrote: What have you been reminded of lately? How is life looking in your world?
Great questions, and this picture answers both those questions.
happy person
1. I am reminded that my, 4 in July year old, is turning into a preschooler. Yes, I said it preschooler. He won't say he is 3, or even 3 1/2 or 3 3/4, no he is 4 in July.
2. Life is looking pretty happy. I asked him to draw me a face and he asked, "happy or sad?". I of course picked happy. Then I talked him through the other body parts but never once did I touch the pen. He drew this all himself and I had to show his father and hung it on the fridge.

I had that Mom moment when your child reaches a milestone right before your eyes. I know drawing a person is some sort of milestone, but for me this picture is more so a piece of him at the age of "4 in July" I can hold onto forever.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

365 - Week 16

Another week under my belt. In 10 more I will be half way there!

Week 16

The middle picture is my Birthday present from my wonderful husband. Its 2 hearts, the big one in the back say, "I love you all" over it and the little one in the front say, "Let me count the ways". I just love him for thinking of me!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

baby&sofia Monkey Muffins

A few days ago I had 3 very ripe banana's on my counter. I said to my husband I guess I need to make banana bread. That day I was reading my friend Brook's post about Monkey Muffins and knew right away I was making them. Come on, banana's and chocolate chips, win, win!

Let's just say they were delicious and my little monkey loved them.

This is how yummy they looked right out of the oven.

That night they had hardly cooled off before Nicolo got his hands on them.

Today there were three left and he would not share.

Thanks for the recipe Brook, definitely a keeper.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Team-Up Thursday - Earth Day

Jen and I decided that since today was Earth Day we would make that our theme. The first thing I think of when you say Earth is trees. The fun part was taking the picture.
I work at a place that has a large property to it. There is an abundance of trees, flowers, a bell tower, a hospital, a mansion, a parking garage, statues etc. I was waking back from a meeting the other day when I decided to try to get this shot. What I had to do was get under a tree, lay on my back and look up through the tree. This on the front lawn of my work as people walked and drove by, in my work clothes. Like I said it was fun!


I love Jen's message and how you see it twice with the reflection. I also wonder where she took it. I like photo's that leave me guessing.

Hope you all have a great Earth Day!

Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cheeseburgers In Paradise

My OLDER brother turned 40 this year. My siblings and I planned a Surprise Party for him with a Jimmy Buffett theme, it was "A Pirate Looks at 40." The menu was simple Cheeseburgers in Paradise, Fries, Pickles and Cold Draft Beer. The dessert was fun and fabulous.

We had seen the idea in many places, one of course being Bakerella. What we did was make cupcakes with brownies in the middle as the Cheeseburgers and sugar cookies as the Fries. They were easy and fun to make. Let me make one disclaimer, I was the assistant, my sister did 99% of the work and she as always does a fabulous job.

The cupcakes and the brownies.

Putting the burgers on the bun.

Dressing them with the fixin's.

Topped off with a Sesame Seed bun.

Burgers and Fries.

The Big Kahuna Himself. Happy Birthday Cliff!

The absolute best part of the party was the fact that we really did surprise him. That was a joint effort all around. My sister in law did a great job keeping a secret and getting him there on time. The other nice thing was all the guest had a great time and some even said it was the best Birthday Party they had been to.

Monday, April 19, 2010

BestShot Monday

“Experience is never limited, and it is never complete; it is an immense sensibility, a kind of huge spider-web of the finest silken threads suspended in the chamber of consciousness, and catching every air-borne particle in its tissue.” ~Henry James


I like this quote because lately I have been feeling this way, experience is never limited. I learn something new everyday, whether it be about myself, my kids, my husband, my photography or my job (just to name a few) it's new.

Today I learned:
1. Francesco can write the letter H and picks them out in all kinds of places.
2. Nicolo can say "Momma" but is still calling me NaaNaa.
3. Laying down and looking up through a tree has an interesting pattern.
4. Some people need to act their age and not their shoe size. My 3 year old has better manners.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

365 - Week 14

Now remember I said it would be slim pickings this week. Yes that top left picture is of the dish soap and the bubble that was at the base. I was so busy that day that I had almost forgot to take a picture. My favorite is the one of Francesco and Emily in the middle. I think they are going to be great friends, they are like 2 peas in a pod. Her mother tells me she is the female version of Francesco. That would be opinionated, strong willed and loud...and that's what we love about them!
Week 15

As you can see by the one shot of Nicolo, pretending to cry, he has turned into a full fledged 2 year old. Man does that boy have a temper...and that's what I love about him (LOL)!

Sigh! So glad I made it through the week, I have even almost caught up on my Picture Spring assignments. I am only behind on one, that will turn into two by tomorrow morning. Here is to hoping for a good week all around, photographically, home and work wise. ~crossing my fingers~

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Team-Up Thursday - Grounded

I've been participating in an online course called Picture Spring where we get a daily e-mail prompt that make you think and look at the world around you in a whole different light. One of the prompt that I really like was "getting grounded". I put the camera on the ground and used the remote to capture our family getting out the door that morning. Then I found myself getting on the ground, literally laying down taking other shots. I suggested the theme to Jen and she agreed. Then I saw that Megan and Hip Momma picked the theme "FROM LYING DOWN". What's that saying...great minds think alike (LOL)!

Jen's shot makes me want to lay down in the grass near that tree and nap. You can almost feel the cool breeze blowing through your hair. Mine came about because I have been spending a lot of time retrieving these little golf balls from under the cars lately.


Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma

I thought I would share the photo I took for the class, I love that Michael is in his socks.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week 14

Talk about being behind. I am just getting to posting my 365 pictures from last week. I really could use a couple of extra hours in a day.

Week 14

I really can't pick one favorite from this group since there are a few photo of my love ones in it an I love them all!

I can say that next week will be slim picking. If it taken me till Tues to get to last weeks you can only imagine how behind I am. Lets just say all I took a picture of yesterday was the dish soap and the cutting board...that should speak volumes.

Stay tuned.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Best Shot Monday: Time Gone By

I look at this picture and wonder, where did the time go? He was just an infant, unable to do anything for himself, totally dependent on me. Now he is getting in and out of his own chair at the table with no booster, climbs in an out of his car seat, goes up and down the steps all by himself and riding a balance bike.

Nicolo ~age 2


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby!

Today is my baby boy's 2nd Birthday.
His Uncle Cullen helped keep him out of harms way.
We think...
he liked...
the cake.
To top off the day we also had a surprise 40th for my Older brother today. He was completely surprised, we had all our family together and my sister and I made the most awesome cupcakes and cookies. (Post to follow.)

In Two Years

4-10-08 @ 10:08 a.m. I became the momma of 2 boys! The day is still burned in my memory with all the details crisps as if it was yesterday. I remember thinking that everything would be a repeat of my prior birthing experience. Nothing about Nicolò's birth or him is anything like his brother.
Nicolò has proven to be his own person in so many ways and I love to watch him develop in such a different manner than Francesco.
  • He knows what he wants and if he can't tell you he just grabs your hand and takes you there.
  • He dances all the time even when there is no music playing, he dances to the beat of his own rhythm.
  • When I check on him at night he is always in a completely different spot then the last time I checked. Don't even think I can get any sleep if he is next to me.
  • Dirt, sand, rocks, grass, plastic, cardboard etc. are all very appetizing to him for some reason, as well as food that has dropped on the floor. Food on the plate is questionable and utensil are completely optional in his opinion.
  • Getting dirty and wet are his two favorite activities. He is drawn to rain puddle like an electron magnet, and he is to fast for me to get to him before his shoes are soaked. I really should have named him Pigpen.
  • If you ask him for a high five you get, a high five and then knuckles (when you pound your knuckles to another person)
  • He gives the sweetest kisses and puckers his lips and say "Mawww". He waves and says Bye-Bye and blows kisses when he say Ciao! (Italian boys are lovers)
  • I have a hard time not complying when he pats the pillow next him when I put him down to bed at night, telling me to lay down next to him.
  • I love the way he idolizes his brother and if Francesco does something he also has to try it.
  • He absolutely loves to be naked and to take baths, I swear he is part fish.
  • He always notices every plane or bird in the sky, I think his head is in the clouds!
  • Without him we would on have a Frick and no Frack, I wouldn't be able to say "lets go boys", who would chase the cat, pull all the toilet paper off the roll, empty the silverware drawer onto the floor, dump all the toys/cooler/broom over the deck, throw anything they can find down the rain drain or fill that spot in my heart?
Happy Birthday Stinks! We love you.

2 years

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Team-Up Thursday - Lines

Jen is out of town this week. She an awesome partner though, she picked a theme and e-mailed me a photo before she left. How great is that! I did not look at hers until I took mine, I wanted to be surprised.
When we picked the theme I immediately thought of the line on the roads, I look at them everyday. The question I had was how would I get that without getting run over. Most roads I travel are heavy with traffic. I took the long way back to work during lunch and jumped out the car to snap my shot. I got a lot of funny looks and slowing down. I bet they were wondering what I was photographing.
The DOF in Jen's photo is great, I like how even though the end of the fence post is blurry your eye is still drawn there. I also like how the focal point is down and to the left. It's just a interesting shot all around.

Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma

Sunday, April 4, 2010

365- Week 13

What a week:
  • My husband was away on business.
  • Went to the ER Tuesday morning with Nicolo for an injury to the eye. Thank the Lord it was not serious and in two days you never knew it happened. (Baked cookies and cupcakes for bake sale)
  • Wednesday 4:30 a.m. I am giving Francesco nebulized saline for croup. Went to the doctor to get steroid, then called by daycare at 3:00 for a 102 fever. (Frosted cupcakes for bake sale)
  • Thursday, took Nicolo and bake sale items to school. Took Francesco to his Nonno's (can't go to daycare for 24 hours after a fever), went to the dentist (fun), pick up Nicolo early...croupy cough.
  • Friday- travel to parents with kids, shopped for shoes and clothes for a wedding in May (Thanks Mom you're the best).
  • Saturday- 4:00 am, Nicolo with fever and croupy cough worse. Traveled home to get medication. Realized I left my camera battery charger at parents. Had to buy a new one.
  • Sunday- brunch with the family, laundry, laundry, egg hunt, cleaning, laundry....collapse.
  • Still took pictures everyday!
So glad this week is over, so glad my husband is home, hope this is the last croup for the season.

Week 13

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Team-Up Thursday - Negative Space

Jen and I decided on the theme negative space this week. I had seen a few of the other teams do this and just loved what they came up with. We also thought it would help us to get creative.

I had originally thought I would take a picture of something that was represented by negative space but I was unable to find that. Like a cutout of a cross at a church. I actually drove different routes home to try and find something of that nature. Then one night when the boys were playing in the tub I had my camera and Nicolo kept looking at himself in the cover-plate in the tub. When I went through the photos I found this one and love it and the negative space.

I just love the colors in Jen's and how the flower looks like it's reaching for the sun. I also like the contrast of her vivid colors against mine in B&W.

Team Up Thursday: Negative Space

Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma