Sunday, April 25, 2010

365 - Week 16

Another week under my belt. In 10 more I will be half way there!

Week 16

The middle picture is my Birthday present from my wonderful husband. Its 2 hearts, the big one in the back say, "I love you all" over it and the little one in the front say, "Let me count the ways". I just love him for thinking of me!


  1. I've been such a slack commenter, but these collages are divine! They are just begging to be printed up as 12x12s. Are you doing the I heart faces photo walk in June?? I just signed up!

  2. I love your necklace; it is stunning. What a beautiful, amazing gift.

  3. Love that necklace, what a sweet gift! Also loving the bubble and your little artist at work. Oh, and?? Happy Birtday!

  4. Beautiful! I love the necklace! And the bubble!

  5. Oooh - happy birthday! I love necklace photos. And all the others. The fire hydrant made me think of our vacation last year - after hating the beach, Jack loved fire hydrants, and I documented him loving on them in every city we stopped for lunch in. :)

  6. The necklace - what a sweet and thoughtful gift. Your guy is one of a kind I think. :)

    Bottom left, what is that? Such intense colors. And the bubbles, love!

    Really good week for you!

  7. wonderful collage!! and your necklace...beautiful, your husband did an amazing job :)

  8. The first photo in the left hand corner is SO, SO cute. You can tell those two are going to cause some trouble. Beautiful necklace too.

  9. I love the center shot -- so gorgeous!
