Thursday, April 29, 2010

Team-Up Thursday - Rain

When Jen e-mailed me some suggestions for a theme this week I immediate picked rain/water. It seems like that is all is does when I have anytime at all to take a photo.
Monday early evening as we ate dinner the rain poured down on the table on the deck. I knew then that I wanted to try and get the water on the edge of the table. So as the rest of the crew ate, I pulled out the tripod and the zoom lens and open the sliding door...letting the cold air in. Of course, the boys were not phased by this one bit, including my husband.

Team Up Thursday - Rain

I love the DOF, the colors and the composition of Jen's. I also like how there is a similar green in both photos that ties them together even more than the rain/water.

Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma


  1. I LOVE rain! These are both beautiful...and, Cara, wow, pulling out the tripod & all!!!

  2. I am quite impressed with the tripod usage as well. I never pull mine out. I should because my macro lens is huge and heavy. I think our shots go together perfectly this week.

  3. I love the color and clarity in both shots. Inspiring me to go out and take some rain shots as well (we've been getting it on and off here in San Diego recently). Dawn and I chose earth this week for our theme.

  4. You even started off knowing exactly what you wanted to get! Impressive. Love the drops in both. Great job, team.

  5. I love the different size of the drops coming off of the table and the wavy lines capturing the next to fall. Both photos are very intimate and relaxing.

  6. look at that perfectly smooth, creamy bokeh! Yes, I know the photo's about tje raindrops, but I can't help but notice. :o) I too am impressed by you and your tripod!

  7. I love the raindrops, Cara! That is a great shot and yours go so well together!

  8. The shots match perfectly, and I love, love the creamy bokeh in contrast with the water drops. :)

  9. Yes, they tie in very well together. Great job, Ladies! :)

  10. These shots are such a great complement to each other!
