Thursday, April 1, 2010

Team-Up Thursday - Negative Space

Jen and I decided on the theme negative space this week. I had seen a few of the other teams do this and just loved what they came up with. We also thought it would help us to get creative.

I had originally thought I would take a picture of something that was represented by negative space but I was unable to find that. Like a cutout of a cross at a church. I actually drove different routes home to try and find something of that nature. Then one night when the boys were playing in the tub I had my camera and Nicolo kept looking at himself in the cover-plate in the tub. When I went through the photos I found this one and love it and the negative space.

I just love the colors in Jen's and how the flower looks like it's reaching for the sun. I also like the contrast of her vivid colors against mine in B&W.

Team Up Thursday: Negative Space

Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma


  1. Cara, this photo is one of those that makes you go, "Now why didn't *I* think of that?" I love that Nicolo is slightly out of focus, but that his reflection jumps out at you tack sharp. Great take on the theme. :)

  2. You totally rocked it this week. I absolutely love your photo. You definitely got creative.

  3. I love both shots. What neat takes on negative space. :) Your white and her green are neat together. The reflection is just precious you sure captured great detail in the shot.

  4. very, very cool dip. yours could hang with the reflections gals this week, too:). i'm especially drawn to the fact that both photos draw the eye the same way, makes the viewer linger longer. i'm going to have to try negative space as a theme!

  5. wonderful diptych! LOVE your little one's reflection and the colors on jen's are just beautiful :)

  6. oooh Cara, I LOVE this! Super take on the theme and super photo all the way aroud. Works so well. Plus, how cute is Nicolo???

  7. Goodness, his face in the reflection just makes it. Love how his little eyelashes barely there point right through the space to the reflection. Awesome.

  8. So funny...I have the same shot of Ella from a few weeks ago! Great portrayal of negative space and sooo cute. Great in b/w too.

  9. Cara-I love you shot! Very creative!

  10. that is what i call getting your creative juices flowing! funny how you often look all over for THE shot, and then stumble across it in a different spot.

    this one was right on...great work!

  11. wow. that rocks.

    Happy Easter to you and yours :)

  12. Awesome pictures! You are so talented.

  13. what a fun creative set. I love the reflection shot. very unique. :)

  14. OMG - Love Nico's reflection in the tub. Great shot, Cara!
