Saturday, March 13, 2010

365: Week 10

Wow 10 weeks down and 42 to go. Some days I almost forgot to take a photo, others I drove people nuts whipping out the camera everywhere.

Week 10

I hope I don't loose my steam. I am going to take Tracey's class Picture Spring in April in hopes to give me a boost. I am certain it will since Tracey truly inspires me with her photos and words.


  1. Those are great shots! I should definitely be taking more photos. I think I am in a funk right now. But your pics make me want to pick up my camera again. :)

  2. Your life looks so wonderfully cozy and happy. I love these glimpses into your home, Cara!

  3. I almost can't pick a favorite! I think it has to be the one of someone writing in a notebook -- just gorgeous!

  4. Love your collage. I'm going to have steal that look for mine at the end of the week. ;) You'll have to share how the class is. I looked at it but don't ever have any extra money for things like that. But it sure should be fun. You have LOTS of fun! :)

  5. Love the weekly shots, Cara - poor Francesco! :) I like the contrast in colors between the blue and pink in the 1st photo...makes me think of a 50's malt shop when I look at it.

  6. Oh your poor little guy. Mi fa tenerezza! I also especially love the photo of the woman writing in the notebook. Brava, Cara!

  7. I just love that you are doing this AND keeping up with it! So awesome! Makes me sad I didn't get to start off this year doing it! I am definitely going to try next year!

  8. I love it when you get outside and take photos (not that I don't love your home shots). Remember when you took that walking photography course all those shots were wonderful! You're just getting better.
    Love the shot on the bottom right.
    PS at first I thought you were coming to OC to take the class and I got all excited, but I see it's online :( Someday you need to come visit.
