Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

My baby, in a big kid bed. Can we please stop time for a little while?

In on the fun over at Wordless Wednesday.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Best Shot Monday

I've said this before, I thought my second child was going to be a newer version of the older one. Once I found out he was going to be a boy I also thought he would be another version of my husband. Everyday I am amazed at how completely different my boys really are, from looks to temperament.
I saw this photo of Nicolo and I that was taken by my nephew at a family get together and was amazed at what I saw. I see my husband in his eyes and my dad in his expressions, but you see that little dimple on his right cheek...that's mine. Now that I saw it in the photo I see it all the time. That my piece and I love it.

I wondered if you could love another child just as much as you love the first when I was pregnant with him. I actually worried about it. I have never worried about it since the moment I saw him. He is his own person, he got his own looks, his own personality and he very own place in my heart.

For more Best Shots, swing on by Tracey's over at Mother May I.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Best Shot Monday: Christmas Wish

My greatest Christmas wish would be for all my boys to clean my house. I know it won't happen but a girl can dream.

For more Best Shots head over to Tracey's at Mother May I.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Have Blizzard, Make Cookies!

Since we couldn't even go outside because of the blowing snow, we resorted to having to bake and decorate gingerbread cookie. We sure do have it rough around here.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Say a little prayer the snow blower works tomorrow ;-)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Oh the Sun

Sunday was such a horrid day, cold and rainy ALL day long. Yesterday morning the sun came back. I grabbed my camera to take with me to work and was sitting at the light to turn onto the highway and this was the view.

It was awesome to see the sun even if it only lasted a day, today has been overcast again. I would even settle for snow over rain at this point.
I just had to take pictures of the sunshine so that I don't forget what it looks like.

I think I might be getting a touch of SAD.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Best Shot Monday: Cookie Bake

Spent the weekend baking cookies both days. You would think that preparing for and baking all those cookies would be stressful but it wasn't. I think when you spend it with people you really like it knocks a bit of stress out.
I was fortunate to have the hubby home to help with the kids on Saturday. Shelly and I must have baked over 300 cookies. We had a system going and before we knew it we were done, 5 hours later.
Sunday, Nicolo and I went to Bert's house. He loved the dog and the train. I had a great time and worked on Sugar Cookie Cutouts and Pecan Tassies. The kids helped to decorate and again we did another ton of cookies.

Even though the weather was horrid, cold and raining, the mood in the house was warm and calm. I can breath easier now that the Christmas cookies are done!

For more Best Shot Monday's head on over to Tracey's at Mother May I.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

"My path has not been determined. I shall have more experiences and pass many more milestones."
~Agnetha Faltskog

I am in disbelief that this is my baby! He is now the same age that Francesco was when he was born.

Just in on the fun over at Wordless Wednesday.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Best Shot Monday: Advent

Try explaining the real meaning of Christmas to a 3 1/2 year old, it's a daunting task. We have been reading a Precious Moment book about the first Christmas and he thinks all the Character in the book look like babies. I always ask him, "What did the Angel Gabriel tell Mary she was going to have?", he say..."a party." He cracks me up.

Tonight we finally got to work on our Advent calendar and light the candles on the wreath. This too was difficult for him to grasp. First he made me light all the candle, then he made me sing Happy Birthday to him, after he blew out the candles he insisted on cake. I was fresh out so he did settle for ice cream.

I know he does not fully get it but I do think he understand that Christmas is a celebration and he is really excited. I hope that I can at least instill the real meaning of Christmas so that he doesn't think it all presents all about him.

The best part about all this is the fun I am having teaching him. One day when I put him down for nap, he told me he had to say his pray. Then he did the sign of the cross and said his short pray with a resounding Amen. I can truly say, I taught him that and it made me beam from the inside out.

This is my favorite and the one I am calling my Best Shot:

This is the ice cream he settled for and Nicolo was more than happy to join him:

This is our Advent calendar, it Saint Nicholas and we put a cotton ball on his beard each day leading up to Christmas (another awesome idea from my Mother!):

For more Best Shots click on over to Tracey's at Mother May I.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Best Shot Monday: on Tuesday

"God sends children for another purpose than merely to keep up the race--to enlarge our hearts."
~ Mary Howitt

I love this quote. I love this boy. Everyday he does at least one thing that make my heart grow bigger and bigger. It might be as little as giving me a small peck on the cheek to a big thing like holding the door for me on the way out of daycare.
Just this morning he pushed his brother in the stroller into school and was careful not to run him into anyone or the walls. I was amazed at the fact he was tall enough to push the stroller and could remember when he couldn't.
He pushes my buttons and he tries my patience, but when he say the sign of the cross and prays to God to take care of his friend and family my heart almost burst.
I love this boy!

This was suppose to be my Best Shot Monday post but as always life gets in the way.
I am still going to link to Tracey's so you can head on over there for more great shots.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

A three year old child is a being who gets almost as much fun out of a fifty-six dollar set of swings as it does out of finding a small green worm.
~Bill Vaughan

Happy Wordless Wednesday!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Warning...this is going to be a rant!

Disclaimer: this is going to be a rant so I completely understand if you just move on.

Have you ever been so feed up that just venting about something make you feel better? Well, be forewarned because I am about to vent since at present no one here is listening.

My morning v.s. his morning.

  • Starts out about 4:30 am when HE bring the little one in our room (which I usually get yelled at for doing) and lays him next to me. Little one lays on me, lays next to me, try to put his Binkie in my mouth, get upset when he drops on the floor so I have to retrieve it, crawls to the end on the bed and lays on my legs, rolls on and off of me, etc (I think you get the point).
  • I put on the TV with a "kids show" and head downstairs. Now I feed the cat and the fishes, take clothes out the dryer (adding them to the basket of clean clothes that I had asked HIM to bring up yesterday), start another load of laundry, carry the basket of clean clothes (double load) up the steps to the kitchen, make a pot of coffee, take said laundry upstairs to room and find HIM still asleep.
  • I fold the laundry and tell HIM to get up and get in the shower. While HE is in the shower I continue to fold, then iron my pants and his shirt for the day. I get the boys clothes together and collect the trash (trash day).
  • I get in the shower for no more than 10 mins. I would have thought that in 10 mins he could have put on the clothes and taken the BOYS down stairs to start breakfast. No, no, not the case.
  • When I step out the shower soaking wet I am greeting by the little one standing in front of the shower and HIM in front of the sink with the door wide open and the big one behind him. My towels are on the back of the door completely out of my reach. Now I am standing there with 3 other people in our small bathroom and unable to get to my towel. When I yell at them to get out they look at ME like I am the crazy one.
  • I take a few minutes to throw on my clothes and shoes, collect the boys clothes, my computer and blackberry, turn out all the lights and come down stairs. I would have thought by this time the boys would have their breakfast in front of them. No, no not the case.
  • They each had milk and one had a banana. HE was cutting up an apple for the big one, mind you we have an apple slicer/corer so why it take more that 30 second to cut up an apple is completely beyond me. I step in to get them the rest of their breakfast. (What I don't get is why not give them all the things that take seconds to get and then go cut the apple...which really should only take seconds to get?).
  • I dry my hair to the almost dry point. I take out the trash, and put the boys lunches (which I prepared the night before) in their bags and pack my work bag.
  • I tell HIM to get his shoes on (this is one of the thing that drives me crazy, why won't he put his shoe on as soon as he is dressed and why does it take so frickin long to do it the first place?).
  • I put the bags in the car and then go back to trying to tame my hair so I at least look human to go to work. He is finally dressing the little one. We both fight with the big one to finish his breakfast (which he had to wait for in the first place so I guess I should cut him some slack).
  • Finally the big one is done, goes potty and I dress him. I find their coats and have him dress one and I dress the other. Then he always asks are you ready to have them in the car? (why do you think we put their coats on???????)
  • I grab a travel mug of half reg/half decaf coffee (I so wish it was fully caffeinated) and jump in the car.
  • I get interrogated the whole way to school. Where are we going? Why are we going? Why are we stopping? Why are we going this way? Why is that car in front of us? Why did that car pass us? Why can't we catch that truck? Where is that truck going? When are we going home? When can we go outside? Why can't I drive? And so on!
  • I get them to daycare and the big one walks down the hallway like he's got lead in his shoes (this is the same kid who darts down the same hallway at the end of the day right as I am explaining to him to use his "walking feet").
  • I finally get them in school, bags unpacked, coats hung up and ready to head out the door. Little one throws a fit. I console him and take a few minutes to help him transition and once they get out the bubbles I am good to go.
  • I leave and get to work, throw my computer on the docking station, take off my coat and have a seat.
  • Time Check: 7:30 am!
His Morning:
  • 4:30 am, little one cries out , pick him up and lay him next to his mother. Lay back down and go back to sleep.
  • Awaken by nagging wife 45 mins later to get in shower. Sit on the side of bed and contemplate (what I have no idea).
  • Take a shower, alone, in peace by myself.
  • Get our of shower and find that nagging wife ironed my shirt.
  • Get dressed while little one watches kids show, I watch a few minutes myself.
  • Decide to brush my teeth when nagging wife is trying to get out of shower, she then yelling something about needing a towel and to many people in the bathroom.
  • Take kids downstairs, grab milk cups that are already filled from fridge and give little one banana. Take my sweet old time cutting up and apple and sprinkling lemon juice on it so it does not brown before big one is done eating it in 5 mins.
  • Nagging wife is saying something about trash as I pack MY lunch and then she yelling at me to put on my shoes.
  • Little one seem done guess I'll dress him. Yell at big one for dilly dallying while eating.
  • Put my computer and lunch in car and start both cars.
  • Could not find little ones jacket, had to wait for wife to look. She finds everything.
  • Put kids in car after making sure it was time, I guess that it probably was since we did just put on their coats.
  • Kiss my love ones good bye.
  • Drive to work in peace and quiet listening to the radio with real music and news.
  • Park and get into work and start the day.
  • Time Check: 7:45 - 8:00 am
This was just today, everyday is some variation of this. I know yesterdays post I said, "life is good" and it still is just a little insane some days!

Ahh! I feel better now.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Best Shot Monday: Gratitude

With the craziness that is always circling around me I am always grateful for the moments I get to share with my 3 boys. We step outside yesterday morning to find that the rain had cleared and the sun was shining. What better time to pack a lunch and picnic at the park.

We had not planned to go to the park it was a spur of the moment idea, and the best ideaever! I even did some rock climbing with Francesco.

I was amazed at how much fun the boys had playing on the rock wall, I need one of these at home.

I am picking this as my best shot, I like the flare.

I am grateful for a beautiful day and my beautiful is good!

Head over to Tracey's at Mother May I for more gratitude.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Theme Thursday: Everyday

He asks everyday if he can dance on his bed, it's more like jumping but he has a great time!

I never did get the chance yesterday to post a picture for Wordless Wednesday so I am throwing in a bonus. I played with this one in LightRoom and love the effect, looks like they are outside at night.

For more great EVERYDAY shots head over to Megan's at Mental Inventory.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Best Shot Monday: Fun Weekend

Saturday morning the boys and I got up early and drove to my parents house. My Aunt and Uncle from Georgia were there to pick up my Pop (who is 92) to take him to the South till after Thanksgiving. It was great to see them and they love seeing the kids. The distance make it hard to see each other every year, so any opportunity we get we take it.

This was taken by my 3 1/2 year old...I just love it.

We left there and heading back North (about an hour drive) for Francesco's last soccer lesson. All he did was talk about playing soccer and once we got there he was ready to go home. I just don't get this kid some days. I left a little early to take Nicolo to get his mop of an head of hair cut. He did great standing still for Nana to give him a trim.

We had already planned to take the boys to Nana and Nonno' s for the evening so we could go to dinner (celebrating our 4 year Anniversary). My husband apparently asked if they could spend the night and so that what she was expecting. I did not argue. Not only were our boys spending the night but their cousins who are 9 and 10 were also staying. My In-laws had 4 boys overnight in their are they brave.
Come to find out all went well and they had a blast. Here is an 8 second video of just the kind of fun the boys have at Nana's house. I think it's hysterical but I also have that Mom instinct that's like.."I don't want to know". You know like Vegas...what happens at Nana's stays and Nana's.
Tell me what you think?

Flying Francesco

Sunday morning in my house was so quiet I almost did not know what to do with myself. Michael suggested we go to breakfast...alone. It was divine, we had two meals in a row in peace and quiet. While in the middle of breakfast we get a call from his Dad. I immediately think somethings wrong ( because I am neurotic like that ) but come to find out it they were calling to see if we had left our house yet and if not could we bring the bottle of Bubble Stuff.
Bubble Stuff, this is why they called us in the middle of our peaceful quiet meal. Then my husband says, we can go back an get it if they wanted. I at least convinced him we could stop and buy some (since it only 99 cents anyway).
This is why they NEEDED the bubble stuff.

I think this is my best shot...

now mind you I protested letting him take him for the 40 foot ride that he went 1/2 mile an hour but Nicolo just loved it. Let just say, I am investing in a helmet for him because I know he is going to want to take a ride again.

As busy as we were this was just one of those weekends that you enjoyed and wished would never end.

Head on over to Tracey's at Mother May I for more Weekend Best Shot Mondays.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Theme Thursday: Imagine

I imagine someday...

he will be an artist.

For more imagination head over to Megan's at Mental Inventory.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

I was going to post a picture from Halloween but this one makes me happy. I love his expression, just imagine what he was saying.

Head here for more Wordless Wednesday.

BTW - I've been married 4 years today. I know...2 kids in 4 years...yes we are crazy!

Friday, October 30, 2009

I've been converted!

To say it's been a hectic week is a little bit of an understatement. So much to do with so little time. I usually do not mine being busy, I find hard to sit still anyway. My body on the other hand gave me a little message yesterday telling me to slow it down.

I woke up yesterday on a idle Thursday morning with my heart racing. I sat up and knew right away what wrong. Nine years ago I woke up with the same thing, A-fib. For those who don't know what that is, it an heart arrhythmia where the upper chamber of the heart quivers and is not in sync with the lower part. Basically its a rapid disorganized heartbeat. (Now I know I am not the most organized person but this is going beyond my control.)

Last time I had this I was given a medication that slowed down my heart rate and I eventually converted to a Normal heart rhythm on my own. That time they felt it was caffeine and stress induced. This time I know I did not have that much caffeine. The stress on the other hand...who isn't nowadays?

So I went to the hospital and sure enough I was in rapid A-fib at 180 beats a min. No wonder I felt like I was running a marathon. They gave me Cardizem which slowed the rate down and made it much easier to breath. Then all my lab work was great and my Echo was pristine. The Cardiologist wanted to try a medication, Rythmol, before attempting too. So 2 hours after the Rythmol still no P waves, never thought I would be missing my P waves so much.

Next stop...Cardioversion. For those who don't know what that is...they zap you with defibrillator. Doesn't that sounds like fun? So I bought myself a ticket to the Cardiac Center for the procedure, they did put me out and I didn't feel a thing. All I remember was saying to the 2 women giving me the medication to sedate me that they were "very pretty" and next thing I remember was talking to my husband. I then said to him, "how long does it take for this medicine to kick in?" Everyone laughed because I was done at this point and more importantly I was in Sinus Rhythm (normal heartbeat)!

Needless to say, I am now perfectly fine. They don't know what brought this episode on, most likely stress. I am not on any medications, which is a good thing. I am really great at telling patients what to do but I really stink at being the patient.

So what do you do when you are ordered to take the day off? You have time to write at blog post about the ordeal and you make yourself a blog button.

What do you think?

Good news. I got my camera back, yippee!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Halloween Lanterns made from recycled jars. I got the idea from Our Best Bites who got the idea from Not So Idle Hands. If you get a chance check out both these sites they are fabulous!

Just in on the fun over at Wordless Wednesday.

Monday, October 26, 2009

I Just Couldn't Take It

It's been two weeks since I have posted and just as long since I have held my camera to my eye. I took the plunge and sent it off to the manufacturer for a cleaning and adjustment. I really started to notice visible dust as well as a graininess to my photos even with a low ISO. It was really hard to pack it up and hand it over but I am certain I will be pleased I did once it has been serviced.

That being said I thought that I would be able to hold off taking any photos for a few weeks, come on how hard can it be?

Really hard. I see "photos" everywhere and there are times when I am out that I wish I had my camera with me. When I am home I just run for it and start snapping away. So I couldn't take it anymore and dug out the Point and Shoot. I messed with the settings and even was able to set it to take the photos in the RAW format. Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

First off, in the RAW format on a little point and shoot it took at least 6 seconds to write a photo to the card and I had to wait after hitting the shutter and even on a burst mode it was not good at focusing, then it wore the battery down in like 2 minutes. Not good.

Yesterday, since it stopped raining we decided to spend the afternoon out side. I was sitting on the ground while all the kids were playing and the neighbors were hanging out. I started seeing photos again, so I ran for the Point and Shoot. This time I just left it in JPEG, and played around with it in Aperture Mode.

Last I checked, my camera status was bill, which I am hoping means that they are collecting payment and will be shipping it back to me soon.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Best Shot Monday: Little Details

I really enjoy capturing the little details of my boys life. I find art in Francesco playing with the shape sorter while still in his jammies.

For more Little Details swing by Mother May I.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Congratulations Pete & Carla

Two very wonderful people I know tied the knot this weekend. We had the pleasure of celebrating this wonderful day with them. Congratulation Pete and Carla!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Not a baby anymore.

As Nicolo approaches 18 months I find it bittersweet. My baby is no longer a baby by a long shot. He is just entering his language explosion and has a spattering of words that I make him say over and over again because it's so stinking cute. His repertoire consist of the usual Momma, Dadda, Nanna. He also can say bubba (bubble), ircle (cirlcle), chew-chew (a saying he hears a lot at the dinner table) and my favorite is Kecco (Francesco).

He can climb up and down the stairs (with close supervision of course) and get on and off the couch and Francesco's bed (the easier it is to jump on them with Francesco now), all by himself. He loves to ride with Francesco in the power wheels and has really taken to the big wheel. When he gets on the little bike I look at him and the baby is really gone.

I am still in disbelief that 18 months has gone by so fast.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Theme Thursday

There is just something about their hands while playing that makes me grab the camera.

Do see more Theme Thursday's head over to Megan's atMental Inventory.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wordless Wednesday...Sorta


For some reason that is his "pet" name. Francesco's was Bubbies and Nicolo is Stinks. It's not that he smells or anything, but Stinks just fits him.

He is the cutest stinking thing you will ever meet!

Just in on the fun over at Wordless Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

He Ain't Heavy,

He's My Brother!
~The Hollies, 1969

I do not know why this picture made me think of that song since it is way before my time but it did.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Best Shot Monday

My baby started Soccer this weekend, I think I was more excited than he was. So, we get there and he refused to put on the shin guards and did not want to participate. My heart was breaking. He talked about playing Soccer for weeks before this day. Now here we are and he wanted nothing to do with it.

I sat with him on the outskirts of the group as the other kids listen to the coach. They were all sitting on their balls and the coach started to play a Simon Says game. He turned to me and said, "I want to go next to him," so I let him go and backed away.

He then participated with enthusiasm, listened to the coaches and seemed to really enjoy it after the initial warm up (he still refused the shin guards, but I will take what I can get.

Here he is after finally deciding to go sit next to the other kids on his ball. Now that is all he talks about, getting to sit on the soccer ball.

Bending it like Becham!

I love the pictures of Francesco playing soccer but I think the best shot is Nicolo working on his chin up, look at that little tongue.

For more Best Shots swing by Tracey's over at Mother May I.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A sweet memory

When Francesco was a baby we lived in 3 different homes, ours, my parents and my in-laws. We were bad at letting him cry it out at bed time, especially while living with the "rents". Once we were back into our own home we basically had to teach him to self sooth and go to sleep without us laying there with him or sitting in the room. It was a long road that we have finally turned off and he is really good at going to sleep and staying asleep on his own.

Occasionally I will walk past his room and see him still awake staring at the ceiling fan. He has that look like he is just about to fall into a slummer. I find it hard not to go in and talk to him, ask what he is thinking. Some days I do.

The other day I found him in the stare and went it to give him a hug. I laid on his bed to hug him and his face lit right up. I told him I would lay with him for a few minutes, and he was beaming. He didn't say a word, his face said it all. I could tell that I had totally made his day by taking the time to come into his room and laying down next to him for a moment.

I had a "MOM" moment. I almost wanted to cry. To know that the joy on his face came from the fact that I was there just overwhelmed me. *sniff, sniff*

As I went to leave the room I told him to have sweet dreams as I kissed him on the forehead, I told him to dream of Popsicles and ice cream. He turned to me and said, "Pizza too!"

Yes, baby...Pizza too!

Can some one please tell where my baby went?

I am so glad to be recording these little moments. I also hope that they bring that little flutter to your heart the way they do mine.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Best Shot Monday

Other than a dimple in a cute little chin,
What's more adorable than a toothless grin?
~Azu "Betty" Espezia

For more Best Shots visit Tracey over at Mother May I.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Best Shot Monday

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air..."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

For more Best Shot Mondays head on over to Tracey's.