Thursday, November 5, 2009

Theme Thursday: Imagine

I imagine someday...

he will be an artist.

For more imagination head over to Megan's at Mental Inventory.


  1. I could spend hours at a time envisioning their futures. Lovely shots!

  2. I imagine you might just be right! :)

    Hmm, is that a daddy arm in the last shot? I don't remember seeing a photo of him before. This reminds me that I need to take more photos of DH. We have far too few of him.

    Umm, sorry, didn't mean to hijack the comment thread. :)

  3. ooh, i love the perspective in that first shot. and how cute is he; such concentration with that paintbrush!

  4. Oh yes, I do imagine you could be right! Love his concentration, and love your first shot!

  5. Isn't it amazing to think they could grow up to be SO many things? An artist would be fabulous.

  6. What a beautiful photo of his watercolor set! And he's looking adorable, as always.

  7. You always get the angle so perfect! Love the pictures!

  8. I love that close up of the watercolor paints. Nice shot. The focus on the red and yellow with the blurred brush in the background. Nice.

    Painting is always fun. W.W. is busy learning all about those joys in preschool with the billions of art projects he brings home. :)
