Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Best Shot Monday: on Tuesday

"God sends children for another purpose than merely to keep up the race--to enlarge our hearts."
~ Mary Howitt

I love this quote. I love this boy. Everyday he does at least one thing that make my heart grow bigger and bigger. It might be as little as giving me a small peck on the cheek to a big thing like holding the door for me on the way out of daycare.
Just this morning he pushed his brother in the stroller into school and was careful not to run him into anyone or the walls. I was amazed at the fact he was tall enough to push the stroller and could remember when he couldn't.
He pushes my buttons and he tries my patience, but when he say the sign of the cross and prays to God to take care of his friend and family my heart almost burst.
I love this boy!

This was suppose to be my Best Shot Monday post but as always life gets in the way.
I am still going to link to Tracey's so you can head on over there for more great shots.