As Nicolo approaches 18 months I find it bittersweet. My baby is no longer a baby by a long shot. He is just entering his language explosion and has a spattering of words that I make him say over and over again because it's so stinking cute. His repertoire consist of the usual Momma, Dadda, Nanna. He also can say bubba (bubble), ircle (cirlcle), chew-chew (a saying he hears a lot at the dinner table) and my favorite is Kecco (Francesco).
He can climb up and down the stairs (with close supervision of course) and get on and off the couch and Francesco's bed (the easier it is to jump on them with Francesco now), all by himself. He loves to ride with Francesco in the power wheels and has really taken to the big wheel. When he gets on the little bike I look at him and the baby is really gone.

I am still in disbelief that 18 months has gone by so fast.
Raya will be 18 months in two more days. It's shocking sometimes to look at her and see a toddler and not a baby. The same with Nicolo I'm sure. It's bittersweet for sure. (But it makes it easier to have him growing into such an adorable little boy, right?) :)
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, the shot on the bike does make him seem a little too grown up. I think bittersweet is a good term.
ReplyDeleteThe baby is still there! He may be growing up into a big, smart boy but he wil also forever be your baby!!
ReplyDeleteThe baby is still there! He may be growing up into a big, smart boy but he wil also forever be your baby!!
ReplyDeleteNo worries, he will always be your baby!!!! He's so cute too!!
ReplyDeleteHe does look like a big boy in this photo.
ReplyDeleteAs you know, I am right there with you! Jack hit the 18-month mark right as you were posting this.
ReplyDeleteNicolo is so cute on his trike - and definitely looking like a little boy. It just flies by.