Monday, September 28, 2009

Best Shot Monday

My baby started Soccer this weekend, I think I was more excited than he was. So, we get there and he refused to put on the shin guards and did not want to participate. My heart was breaking. He talked about playing Soccer for weeks before this day. Now here we are and he wanted nothing to do with it.

I sat with him on the outskirts of the group as the other kids listen to the coach. They were all sitting on their balls and the coach started to play a Simon Says game. He turned to me and said, "I want to go next to him," so I let him go and backed away.

He then participated with enthusiasm, listened to the coaches and seemed to really enjoy it after the initial warm up (he still refused the shin guards, but I will take what I can get.

Here he is after finally deciding to go sit next to the other kids on his ball. Now that is all he talks about, getting to sit on the soccer ball.

Bending it like Becham!

I love the pictures of Francesco playing soccer but I think the best shot is Nicolo working on his chin up, look at that little tongue.

For more Best Shots swing by Tracey's over at Mother May I.


  1. ah, that last shot is wonderful! I haven't been brave enough to do organized soccer w/ the kids---mainly because I dread the sideline kid wrangling.

  2. Jake wants to get into sports these days, but every time I tell him that he will have to play with other little kids, he freaks. He wants to play "real" baseball (not t-ball) and "real" football (not flagfootball) and "real" soccer (not on a half field) or he doesn't want to play at all.

    So frustrating.
    I feel your pain.

  3. So sweet. I think I was also more excited about Harper playing soccer too. I am glad he warmed up to it. He already looks like a pro.

  4. Awww...such cute shots! LOve the little tongue on that last one...ADORABLE. :)

    Kids seem to take a bit to warm up. Right now Anya is really struggling in swimming class. I almost wanted to pull her out last night since she was on the verge of crying each time her turn came to swim. :(

  5. so cute -- your foray into sports photography has begun!

  6. he'll be a little soccer star in no time. :o) Nadia saw pictures a couple days ago of kids playing soccer, and now she's ALL about that. Alas, it's too late for this season...

  7. It's hard to just jump right in there with strangers and do something you haven't done before. So good for Francesco for getting in there anyway! :)

    And Nicolo. LOL! Cute he get any cuter?

  8. OMG! I cannot wait for soccer next year! So cute & that last shot of Nicolo is adorable!
