Sunday, May 9, 2010

365 - Week 18

Whew! So glad I was able to get this done before the weekend was over.

Week 18

Mister potato-head was the result of me realizing at 9:30 pm Monday night I hadn't taken a photo. The middle photo was the look he gave me as he asked for a second Popsicle, of course I gave it to him.


  1. Great collage! Love all those eyes looking at you from the side. :) But your center shot is definitely the best, what a cutie!

  2. cuteness!
    hehe mr potato head!

  3. what a cheeky, playful, compilation! :)

  4. And his face says thank you!

  5. Great shots! I am so impressed you are keeping up with this project. My will to do things like this usually goes away after about a month. ;)

  6. Another great week. I love seeing them all together like this. Of course you gave him another one. Who could refuse that face?
