Thursday, May 6, 2010

Team Up Thursday : Out of Focus

"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus"
~Mark Twain

Out of Focus

This week Jen and I chose the theme, out of focus. I love how we were both on the same wavelength too. I particularly like her soft almost creamy bokeh, it's like looking through a kaleidoscope.
I think this is one of my favorite so far. I just love the dreamy feel they both have.

Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma


  1. i do like how dreamlike they both are. so evocative!

  2. ok why is it NONE of my (ever present) out of focus shots turn out like that?

    Love the second one in particular!

  3. Love this theme! LOVE it! You ladies did a lovely job captuing the beauty of unfocuses moments.

  4. and they both go together perfectly! i love this one.

  5. Dreamy, indeed - still a feel of bright and happy (I think they call it spring!) - we had snow today! Eeeek!

  6. wow, it does feel like a dream! I like how both photos have the same colors. And...your quote is perfect!

  7. very cool! and this is so my life...unfocused as can be - hopefully, I will be able to look back and see the beauty too!

  8. Very nicely done. It makes me want to put on my glasses so I can see better.

  9. delicious bokeh! great theme this week :)

    btw - saw your drop card featured on kind over matter today, LOVE it!

  10. Beautiful, they both look like Monet paintings in photo form. Wonderful, soft, light!

    Mary and I talk about LOVE and HATE at A PERSPECTIVE PROJECT this week!

  11. I'm a sucker for bokeh, and half of my shots end up out of focus, so this is right up my alley. ;)

  12. Great idea for a theme and Mark Twain gives you such a great quote to go with it. :) Love the softness of out of focus in both shots.

  13. Love this theme you both chose and how close your photos are. Great job!
