Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Team Up Thursday - Week Three

Jen and I picked time as our theme this week. I had this idea of taking multi-exposure pictures of the moon over time (I have been playing with the tripod a lot lately). Since we have not had a clear night in over a week that never panned out. I was telling Shelly about my idea and she why not take a picture of the herb time. I thought it came out great.

Time is one thing I had a lot of today, and thyme is one of my favorite herbs to cook with.

Thyme_Time, originally uploaded by cgiordan25.

We are up to 43.5 inches in 4 days and the power just returned a few hours ago (Thank God!). We had a ton of time to go out in the blizzard and play in the snow. The good thing is we have a gas stove and fireplace and both continued to work during the outage.

Team Up Thursday, Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma


  1. I love these. Very classic and great images of time/thyme! That's a lot of snow! My friends from my town in Maryland have so much snow that it would be over my head (I'm only 60 inches tall)...shiver!

  2. I can't even imagine that much snow. I am glad you didn't get too cold. Brrrr.

  3. Seriously?? First about the dip! Love that you both choose a different time/thyme. The bw conversion makes it. Second, the snow! I can't even imagine it. I've been hoping for just flurries here in S. Texas.

  4. The b/w shots together make this the perfect dip. Moving over to use Thyme was a perfect take on it too. Love the DOF on the clock. Great texture in both shots. I know you guys are just buried in snow right now. I grew up in Mass. until I was 15 then moved to Minnesota. I think its funny how everyone made fun of me for moving here with how much snow Minnesota gets....But in the last 10 years, the Northeast had more snow than the midwest! Good luck. Jsut remember, it will melt eventually!

  5. That snow is blowing me away.
    Love the b/w

  6. what a great pairing -- i would never have thought of the alternate "thyme" -- probably b/c i'm a terrible cook ;). the black & white really brings them together.

    keep warm!

  7. So creative! I love both your takes on the theme and together they work so well!

    Ugh, sorry to hear about the power outages and all that snow! We haven't had a snowstorm like that in forever - that is quite the blizzard. Hope you are able to dig yourselves out.

  8. SO clever!! I love the b&w, was it planned or a happy coincidence! They are both great shots.

    And...OMG! SERIOUSLY?? I'm off to check out your other posts, I cannot believe the amount of snow you have. That is unreal.

  9. Your play on words is excellent! They are both excellent shots together. :)

  10. This is lovely. I love the black and white. fabulous. well done.

  11. I love these photos together! It's so clever and well executed. And I also love cooking with thyme. Very cool.

  12. Like I told Jen, I love the way the textures go together! And, what a great idea to do a wordplay! This really is a lot of fun!

  13. beautiful diptych! they look wonderful in b&w. excellent news that your power is back on...thank goodness for gas stoves and fireplaces :)

  14. Great shots and post processing. Nice concept. Keep em coming!

  15. LOVE these shots! The two interpretations - the B&W! Couldn't be more perfect!
