Tuesday, February 9, 2010

More on the way!

So as you all know we got a whopping 28.5 inches of snow on Saturday. We dug out and sledded down a luge we created in the backyard. The boys loved it. I held my breath every time Nicolo went down but he did the best.

Funny (or not so funny) thing is we are slotted to get another storm with a prediction of 8-14 more inches. While others groan, my husband say..."Great we'll have fresh powder on our sled run".
He is definitely a kid at heart...an I love it!


  1. Holy crap! That is a lot of snow at once! I hope the new storm doesn't put it over the top of your cars. ;)

    At least the kids are having fun!

  2. I gave you an award today on my blog. :) Stop by and see.

  3. Haha! I love that you made a luge in your backyard. That is hilarious!

    We are getting dumped on here too. Fine with me. We haven't had much snow lately so I'm liking it. :)

  4. 28 INCHES
    I am speechless
    Looks cold and FUN

  5. I feel so petty for having complained about our foot of snow a while back. You guys make 2 feet look good!

  6. My word.... that is alot of snow!! I am glad your kids are joying the sledding. Hope ou have plenty of groceries!

  7. Maybe Nicolo is a future little Olympian with the way he's taken to the snow??? As long as I had food and movies and plenty of blankets at home, I think i'd have a great time being snowed in for a few days.

  8. Man oh man. That is A LOT of snow. At least your husband islooking on the bright side.

  9. My word that is a lot of snow. I'm glad to see everyone is enjoying but that's a lot of digging to accomplish. I hope you're shoveling your roof too! Durango has had a few building collapse the winter due to the weight of the snow.

  10. cannot imagine that much snow! we are freaking out down here over our 6-8 inches - which is an all time record, I believe!
    At least you guys have stuff to be prepared! My poor kiddos have no snow gear...we're just layering and putting on the coats and non-waterproof gloves and keeping our snow play short!
