When I read that Jessie @ The Lucas Zoo was thinking of a 365 project, I mentioned the idea of a 52 instead. She is a busy mom like me and I thought she might like that idea instead of 365. Jessie then asked me if I was going to host the 52 week project, I had not even thought about hosting. I was just going to post a picture each week, then she mentioned she was thinking about a 52 week project but was going to do self portraits. Wow, what an idea! I told her we should co-host it and she took me up on it.
Now I don't like to be in front of the camera but I was telling Jessie that when I saw a picture of myself the other day I had not recognized myself. I am in so few photo's that I almost forgot what I looked like. So I thought this might be a good project all around, one- to get me thinking creatively, two- to remember what I look like (LOL), and three- to get to know how to use my new camera (yes Santa was good to me).
So join Jessie and I for "52 Weeks of Me" project. We have come up with some themes but you can do what ever you like. We decided to do our post's on Sunday's and will kick off the New Year, Jan. 2nd with our first theme of a Traditional Portrait. Using the Mister Linky widget you can link your photo and join in on the project. You don't need a blog to participate just create an account with Flickr, upload your photo there, and use that link.
I look forward to seeing the creativity that will come about.