Saturday, November 27, 2010

Our First Thanksgiving

This year was the first Thanksgiving that we hosted. I was a little worried that something would go terribly wrong but I am happy to say it went off without a hitch. It was a super busy day but everyone pitched in.


My favorite part of this Thanksgiving was having my own little helper. He loves to watch "cooking shows" with me (partially to stall from going to bed, but also because I know he enjoys learning about cooking). I am hoping he will be able to take over for me in a few years.



  1. Congratulations on a successful hosting!

    Zoe LOVES the cooking shows too.

  2. The guys do much of the cooking and cleaning up at our extended-family Thanksgiving, so it's good to see that your little guy loves it, too! It's so much more fun when it's all done together.

    Thanks for blog-hopping with the Mortal Muses!

  3. Wonderful Post Cara. Thank youfor hopping with us!!

    xo Tam

  4. I love your pics! Congrats on hosting successfully! Thanks so much for joining in with the Mortal Muse blog hop!

  5. Love the pics and it is so great to get the kids involved. We have always had our involved in cooking for the day and it is something that we really enjoy doing as a family. Hope your day was wonderful.

  6. Oh goodness but your little helper is so cute! He's well on his way towards being a famous chef. Congrats on a great Thanksgiving!

  7. Such a sweet little chef you have there on your hands! :)
    Thanks for participating in the bloghop.

  8. What a fine kitchen partner you have! And congrats on hosting...just the thought of that gives me a bit of a stomach ache!
