Thursday, March 12, 2009

Theme Thursday: Restful

I really did not think that I would be able to get a shot for this Thursday's Theme, restful is not a common occurrences around these parts lately. Let's just say, when my boys are teenagers and want to sleep all the time I will be reminding them often of the amount of sleep they have deprived me of (I am not kidding!) We go from one not sleeping through the night, to both not sleeping through the night.

So last night I was fortunate that they both were asleep at the same time for a few hours, I did mange to click off a few pictures. This is the best one, lets just say it was dark, I did not use the flash and the ISO was so high the noise was loud. I processed it quite a bit and this was my best rendition.

Shutter 1/4 sec.
F-Stop f/1.8
ISO 1600
Focal Length 50 mm
Flash - None

Just looking at this picture make me tired. Head on over to The Land of K. A. for more Theme Thursday: Restful.


  1. awww love the zonked out pictures!
    He is so sweet!

  2. What a SWEET shot! You rocked it, Cara. Notice I didn't post a sleeping picture...there hasn't been much of that around these parts!

  3. How precious. You did a great job with that one. I love the teddy bear in the background too.

  4. I love the colors in this shot. So sweet!

  5. This is so sweet! It is hard to process those really dark pictures, but so worth getting these rare moments. Hope they sleep for you tonight!

  6. Great job......
    Really like the processing.
    I agree with you able the sleep when they are teenagers.

  7. it is perfect! i love the processing - i think it turned out great!

  8. That shot is just GORGEOUS! I hope it finds its way into a frame somewhere in your totally deserves it!

  9. Lovely shot. I like the soft touch of graininess in the shot that ISO can do. Reminds me too that I did not get enough sleep last night. :)

  10. What a cute shot! I don't think I've ever seen little Ciccio this still! Haha :)
