Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Favorite 3

Who would have thought that meeting a new friend 10 years ago would have lead to this!

I could not leave well enough alone, I had to mess with this photo a bit in Photoshop, I think I am really liking the textured look.


  1. aww so sweet! Your three are adorable!

  2. Hee Hee! I love that tongue sticking out on the little one!

  3. what a great shot! that car in the back really brings out the blue in the picture. :)~

  4. :o) sweet thoughts! It's amazing to think back and wodner how different things would be now if just one thing had happened differently.

  5. It's amazing how a little moment or seemingly small decision can turn into a whole lifetime of really big ones! The boys look so cute in their matching hoodies.

  6. What a great shot of your boys. :) I love playing around with textures, too. They just look cool. :)

  7. I like the texture too. It gives the image a bit more history or a more vintage look to it. Very neat. :)

    I don't blame you for liking vanilla with a bit of bean in it too, I think that's a french vanilla flavor. I find it to be richer than normal vanilla and a marvelous accompaniment to apple pie.

  8. Isn't it just so awesome to think about? A chance meeting can change your life. Love it. :)
    Great pic! I like the texture too.

  9. AND the tongue! Love it. I looked at it my blogreader, and it was the first version and when I clicked over it was the textured version! I do like the texture, definitely...and I think F. looks so much like your hubby...they are all just so, so sweet!

  10. What a wonderful photo. I hope that one goes in a frame. I love the textured look.

  11. Love the texture -- what a good looking trio of men you have!

  12. Love the texture on this too! I love being the mom to boys...I just hope we can raise them to be sweet to me when they are older! They can be momma's boys just a little, right??
