Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A little bit of process.

I really love taking pictures and learning new ways to process them. I am partial to black and white photos but at times it feels so flat. I have played around with "Color Variation" but I never seem to get the feel I am looking for. So when I saw Stacy's Photos of the kids in the snow I asked what she did. I love learning something new. It was really simple (which tend to be the best tips) and I got the look I was going for.

Here is the photo in color:

Here it is in plain B&W:

Here is my favorite: this is with an adjustment layer of a B&W gradient map and then and adjustment layer of Hue/Saturation, like I said simple but effective.

Thanks for the tip Stacy!


  1. Oh, that is just gorgeous! It puts such emotion into the picture. I love it! :)

  2. that's my favorite way to do b&w conversions, too! Love gradient maps. Such a sweet photo of your little man.

  3. very nice processing! i can spend WAY too much time doing stuff like this with my photos :).

  4. You are very welcome! They turned out great, too! doesn't have to be time consuming. I've played around with turning things b&w lots of different ways and this is the easiest and gives the most consistent results.

  5. I love easy. If it takes too much time, I am not going to do it. I use gradient map and then a photo filter. I will have to try the hue/saturation layer. Thanks for the tip Cara & Stacy.

  6. I love snow pictures and the color contrast! The BW and the sepia are beautiful, too!

    We don't get much snow here in FL so I can truly appreciate snow pics.
