Monday, January 11, 2010

Best Shot Monday: Bright Spot

I am in disbelief that it is already Monday. I blinked and the weekend was over. We got a lot done but nothing finished. I do however continue to shoot pictures everyday. I feel like I am learning a lot just by shooting everyday and carrying the camera everywhere.

The brightest spot of my weekend was watching my youngest entertain himself. We were all in the midst of putting together Ikea furniture and I looked over and saw this. So glad I had the camera attached to my hip.

For more bright spots head on over to Tracey's at Mother May I.


  1. that is a great shot. i like how you see the blocks first, then his hand and arm.

  2. Loveing shot! I am entralled with all the bright colors and patterns! It looks like fun also :)

  3. wow the colours seriously pop out! Gorgeous!

  4. Oh, I love the capture - I miss those days of discovery.

  5. Love this combination. PJs, a careful stack of blocks, with a hint of Buzz Lightyear.

  6. Oh, isn't it so nice when they entertain themselves? Even if it is for a short period of time. Love this shot.

  7. Love your focus on the blocks, Buzz' feet really stood out to me, the way the blocks are framed by your son and Buzz...great shot!
