Try explaining the real meaning of Christmas to a 3 1/2 year old, it's a daunting task. We have been reading a Precious Moment book about the first Christmas and he thinks all the Character in the book look like babies. I always ask him, "What did the Angel Gabriel tell Mary she was going to have?", he say..."a party." He cracks me up.
Tonight we finally got to work on our Advent calendar and light the candles on the wreath. This too was difficult for him to grasp. First he made me light all the candle, then he made me sing Happy Birthday to him, after he blew out the candles he insisted on cake. I was fresh out so he did settle for ice cream.
I know he does not fully get it but I do think he understand that Christmas is a celebration and he is really excited. I hope that I can at least instill the real meaning of Christmas so that he doesn't think it all presents all about him.
The best part about all this is the fun I am having teaching him. One day when I put him down for nap, he told me he had to say his pray. Then he did the sign of the cross and said his short pray with a resounding Amen. I can truly say, I taught him that and it made me beam from the inside out.
This is my favorite and the one I am calling my Best Shot:

This is the ice cream he settled for and Nicolo was more than happy to join him:

This is our Advent calendar, it Saint Nicholas and we put a cotton ball on his beard each day leading up to Christmas (another awesome idea from my Mother!):

For more Best Shots click on over to
Tracey's at Mother May I.