Thursday, July 30, 2009

In Complete Disbelief

I was fortunate to participate in Scott Kelby's 2nd Annual Worldwide Photo Walk a couple of weeks ago. I had such a great time and meet a bunch of other people who shared the same passion as I do for photography. It was nice to also take pictures of the city, I went to school there and it had been a long time since I just took a walk around.

There was also a contest involved. What is to happen is one picture from each Photo Walk group gets selected to be entered into the larger contest. The larger contest has an awesome grand prize and some nice honorable mention prizes.

This morning I get an e-mail from the leader of my group letting me know that he selected my image, "In Harms Way", as the winner of the group to be entered into the larger contest. Pinch me because I swear I am dreaming.

In Harms Way

I e-mailed him back to say thank you and let him know that the photo had personal meaning for me as well. The photograph is of a service flag that is hung in the window at the Union League of Philadelphia. A service flag represents that a family member or organization member is serving in the Armed Forces during a time of war. When my brother and brother-in-law were serving overseas we hung the flags in our windows. We are fortunate that at present they are both home with their families. When I saw the flag I knew right away what it meant and I just had to take the picture.

I told this story to the Walk Leader and he e-mailed me back saying that, "the story behind it makes my decision that much more solid. I went through all the pictures and it was just one of those moments when the shot just made you think."

I am completely honored and astounded. I am having a great day!

Monday, July 27, 2009


Can someone please tell me where the past 3 years went? Yesterday Francesco turned 3 but it feels like yesterday I was looking at the + sign on the pregnancy test.

I remember sitting in the rocking chair, in the nursery the night I went into labor. I saw stars every 2 mins on the way to the hospital and cried tears of joy the moment I saw his beautiful face.

Since that day there has not been one dull moment of my life, literally. Francesco is energetic and that energy is 24/7. Ask anyone who knows him and they will confirm that statement. I didn't not know that you can actually survive 3 years without getting a full night sleep (LOL)!

I remember the day he first smiled, I thought to myself, "is there anything better?" Why yes, yes there is...the first time they laugh. It was my husband who made him laugh and we spent the rest of the day trying to make him laugh just because it was cute. I also remember sitting at home with him on a day off from work when he first sat by himself, he was wearing a "I Love Mom" shirt and I took about 100 picture of him. Crawling came soon after and then the day my life really changed for good...walking. He walked on Father Day, 2007 and he never looked back or stopped moving.

Then came the issue of talking. He wasn't much of an early talker. He was a doer and he made his needs known without any words at all. Even as he moved into Nursery One at school I was worried because his verbal skills were lacking. I said a few prayers that he would talk soon and I got what I asked for and then some. What's that saying..."Careful what you wish for!" Let's just say, I am no longer worried about his verbal skills and at time I wish he would give his voice box a little rest.

Gross motor skills were never and issue and I foresee some extreme sports in our future. He is fearless when it comes to physical abilities and he loves to go fast. Fast on the big wheel, fast in the power wheels, fast down the slide. He climbs all over my furniture and creates a mosh-pit with the cushions of the couch. We have been fortunate we have only had one set of stitches so far.

He amazes me his memory and now that I know he can recall so much it makes the not listening even harder to take. I love when we read books for bed and I will stop before the last sentence or word on a page and he recites it for me. The first time I realized he had memorized a book we were reading a "Cars" book. The books states, "Nothing would stop McQueen,"...and he said, "not even Chick Hicks and his mean tricks!" I was astonished. Then I realized he had the whole book memorized.

He is very affectionate and knows how to use it. If he know he is in trouble or if he is STALLING he will ask for "a hug" or I get, "Mommy, you my friend?" It so hard to stay angry at him when he wants to know if I am his friend and then wants a hug. Watch out girls, he will probably use that again when he is older.

He love to help and I find that the more jobs I give him the better. It's his job to put the lunches in the refrigerators at school. That give me time to settle his brother. He also is getting much better at cracking eggs when he helps me bake or make breakfast. We only eat a few shells now. He will help me carry stuff into school, especially if the stuff is cupcakes or donuts. He love to push his brother in the stroller and really does a great job. He no longer runs him into the walls now that he is tall enough to hold the handles and see where he is going. He will also help me put the clothes from the washer to the dryer, and he has to keep telling me that the clothes are wet. He tells me like it's information that need to know (this is one of got to be there things, I am not good at describing).

He's got a few quirky behaviors that I chalk up to his "personality". He does not like thing on his hands, he insist on a napkin instead of a plate to put his snack on, his blanket has to be laid out across the bed and up to his armpits and Cesco bear has to be a the head of the bed above the pillow. I'm thinking a little OCD, we shall see. He also has a lot of my "high strung" personality. When he asks for something he expects either an immediate action or immediate response. That I am certain he gets from me. My mother said enough "I hope to God you get one just like you!" that it actually happened. We butt heads the most because we are so much alike {which also means he incredibly smart :-)}

I think my friend Chelle said it best... "He is my greatest achievement. He created me as a mom, he is my first, he has captured my heart."

Happy Birthday Francesco, thank you for making me your Mom. I love you!

I didn't get much chance over the weekend to take pictures, being the hostess (with the mostess) take so much time that I fell short on my picture taking duties.

Monday, July 20, 2009

2nd Annual World Wide Photo Walk : Philly

Saturday was Scott Kelby's 2nd Annual Worldwide Photo Walk. I sign up a few months ago and was really looking forward to the day. I was not disappointed. The weather was fabulous and I meet a bunch of really nice people who I walked around the city of Philadelphia with and took a ton of photo's.
There is a little contest and even though I am fairly positive I won't win I am still going to summit 2 photos. That is the limit. I took over 300 pictures and processed at least 60. The first one is a self portrait which I just had to take. The other 9 I am mulling over which to enter. I would love any opinions on that.


These are the concrete barrier around city hall.

This is a Service Flag in the window at the Union League.

Looking down Spruce Street.

One of the many interesting Brownstones.

Soldier statue outside the Union League.

Building looking up from Locust Street.

Flower Box on one of the many brownstones.

Looking down Broad Street "Avenue of the Arts".

Looking up, Love Park.

I had such a good time and will definitely do it again. I am also inspired to go and do a photo walk on my own. It was really a great time.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


Francesco of course picked the one with the M&M's on it.

These cookies were almost as big as Nicolo.

For those of you who know me I can not resist a messy face photo.

Just in on the fun over at Wordless Wednesday.

Friday, July 10, 2009

The Loves of My Life!

Even if they still don't sleep through the night, how could you not just love them?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

I took the boys to the shore over the weekend. Francesco loved the rides, I can't wait to take him back.

Just in on the fun over at Wordless Wednesday.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Best Shot Monday: new buddies

The boys Aunt, and the women who introduced me to Michael, was in town with her fiance this weekend. It was the first time the boys meet their soon to be Uncle. Nicolo took to him like a fish to water, he let Dan hold him even with me in the room. He is normally such a momma's boy, but he really took to his new Uncle. It was a great visit for all.

Head on over to Tracey's for more Best Shot Monday's.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

So you think you can dance...

I know I haven't been around much. My kids have been sick, one after the other; work is super busy, and a lot little stressful and I have been completely uninspired lately to take a picture of anything. With the blues always come a ray of sunshine and at this time it's Francesco.

After they take their baths he likes to dance in his room. He has a CD player that we play soft music on for him at his bedtime, but to dance he like the radio hip-hop music. He makes Michael and I sit across the room to watch. I happen to have the little camcorder the other day and was practically peeing my pants while filming this.

How can this not lift your spirits?

I hope that as all are now well and now everyone is back to sleeping in their own room by themselves I will have a little more time. With the Holiday weekend and family in from out of town I have the battery on the camera changed and all my lens cleaned. Let pray fora little bit of good weather and a lot of inspiration.