You love a stuffed bear named Hoagie and can't go to sleep without him, the binky and your chi-chi blanket. You recently cut all 4 front teeth at the same time and there is still one incisor that needs to break the surface. Your favorite fruit is mango's and the only jarred baby food you will still eat. Cheerio's and Goldfish top your snacks list and Trader Joe's Cereal bars are a must. Your favorite toy is the Big Wheel your Daddy found for you on Craig's List so as to not be left out of the Big Wheel gang that has developed in the neighborhood. Your favorite person, after Mommy of course, is you big brother. Anything Francesco say or does is hysterical to you, even when it's not to Mommy. Wheels on the bus is your favorite song and it drives Francesco crazy that Mommy sings it everyday on the way to school, he doesn't know talent when he hears it (LOL).
Here you are 1st thing in the morning on your 1st Birthday.
Here you are as we brought out your cake. I just love the expression on your face.
Here you are just digging in. Francesco never did that with his cake.
Note: this is not the Giant Cupcake Cake, I was planning on having that one tomorrow at my parents house. I am still hoping to do that, but I will say the one that I baked today to save to decorate tomorrow did not release from the pan. Can you say disappointed...with a touch of "@$#%^!&#^%$@*!!!!! My neighbor was so kind to let me use her industrial strength cake release, so I am going to attempt it again tomorrow morning. For those of you who know me this will be the 4th time I tried the recipe and the 3rd time I tried the pan. I finally got the recipe straight and then I couldn't get it out of the pan. Do me a huge favor and cross your finger for me. Thanks!
awww many wishes for your birthday boy!!!!!! Such a sweetie!
ReplyDeleteI'll be thinking that the GIANT Cupcake will taste and look great....
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see your creation. I know it will turnout.
I'm crossing my fingers for you and the giant cupcake, but I have a feeling the 4th time will be the charm!! Nicolo is such a swet teddy bear of a baby. Happy Birthday, big boy!
ReplyDeleteI had to drop by today to see how you made out with the fourth try. They say the third time's the charm, but I'm betting four for you. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Nicolo!
I think he might like it. His expression is priceless.
ReplyDeleteThat middle picture is precious!
ReplyDeleteAwwww...Happy Birthday Nicolo! Sorry I'm late! I didn't realize he was as big as my boys! Cole was 24lbs a few weeks ago when I took him to the doctor and since he refuses to crawl yet, I'm quite sure he's going to catch up to Nicolo very soon!!