Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Instead I Took A Picture

I really should have reprimanded him for this but instead I took a picture. It didn't help that all of us were laughing at him.

How can you resist the cuteness????


  1. Good thing you did take a picture - you wouldn't want to forget that moment. Too cute!

  2. You can't! Don't even try. I love the warm tones, and the lighting gives it a stop-motion kind of feel.

  3. LOL! Hey, it's moments like this that you're going to treasure when he's a teenager. I think I'd have taken a photo too! :)

  4. I would have taken a photo too. Too cute!!

  5. Why miss a great shot?!?! hehehe

  6. Oh, I do that, too! Bad us. ;)

    He is adorable, so it is totally understandable. :)

  7. He's just adorable! I have the same time with correcting my daughter. Sometimes the "bad" thing she is doing is just so cute it's impossible. And of course she's getting mixed messages. I just hope one day she will forgive me for confusing her as a child.

    Happy WW!

  8. Ha ha ha! I don't think that you can resist that cuteness!

    A perfect toddler shot...I hope this one makes an appearance when he is older, just to remind him of what his parents had to put up with!

  9. Oh yeah, I couldn't have resisted that one either!! What a character - boys are SO much fun!
