I was just over at
You Can't Reason With Crazy and was able to totally relate to her latest post,
apeshit…I’m going apeshit.
I just sat down for the day and I am a little piffed about the whole thing. I am most
pissed piffed that my husband is out of town 5 days of the week for the past 3 month, 13 days ( not that I am counting). I on the other hand am living with my parents (yes I am nuts) and commuting an hour to work (wait for it , wait for it)....with the baby.
Tonight he was just not having any part of "bedtime". So here it is (10:46 pm) and he has been asleep for only one hour. (Arghhhhhh).
I don't usually rant, but I really need to. This was my day:
4:00 am - Bubbie's wake up...make him a bottle in 1.2 minutes (any more than that and it all out anarchy)
4:01.2- 4:07 - Feed Bubbie the bottle (he won't hold the early morning bottle)
4:07 - 4:30 - Rock him back to sleep and pray he goes (fingers crossed the whole time) To be honest it's the one time he will just lay quietly in my lap so I secretly enjoy it.
4:30-5:30 - Make coffee (a must) and ready self and all baby gear for work.
5:30 -5:45- Wrestling match wit ha 10 1/2 month old to change a diaper and dress for the day, load him and paraphernalia in car.
5:45-6:45- Commute................Thank God for car DVD players.
6:45-7:00 - Feed baby in office and try to keep the cereal bar and yogurt of the rug ( I don't know if they ever vacuum)
7:00 - 7:03 - Walk to daycare.
7:03-7:15- Get Bubbies settled at school (sneak out while playing so he doesn't melt down)
7:15-7:18- Walk back to clinic.
7:18-7:30- Log on to commuter to start clinic.
7:30- 12:00/12:30 - Morning Clinic
12:30 -12:33- Walk back to daycare
12:33- 12:50- Feed Bubbie lunch.
12:50-12:53- Walk/Run to Cafe to grab sandwich
12:53-1:00- Get lunch and walk back to clinic
1:00- 4:30/5:00 -Afternoon Clinic (Eat sandwich between patients)
5:00- 5:03 -Walk to daycare
5:03-5:08- Gather up Bubbie and all his stuff
5:08-5:11 - Walk back to office
5:11-5:15- Make sure I didn't forget to finish something
5:15-6:15 - Commute (did I mention the DVD player)
6:15- 6:45 -
Fight with Feed Bubbie dinner
6:45-7:00- Bath Bubbie
7:00-7:45 -(most nights, not tonight) Play with Bubbie and sneak out of the living room to got to the bathroom while he realizes I am gone and throws a fit.
7:45-8:00 Put Bubbie to bed (tonight he did not go down till 9:28 (yes I was watching the clock)
Then I usually get a chance to wash bottles/prepare food for next day/take a shower/ occasional load of laundry and then maybe check a few blogs or write an entry.
I would love to see my DH schedule next to mine.
Are you tired yet? I sure am. So now it is waaaayyyy past my bedtime.
Pray I have a good night!