I thought when I went out of town on Business I would have tons of quite blogging time. Wrong!
I went out of town and got stuck each evening going to dinner with the rest of my team. Now don't get me wrong I enjoyed eating with the group. I enjoyed not having to fight a one year old to eat, I enjoyed the food (it was hot).
I just thought we would get back in time for me to have a couple of hours of free time. Not!
I terribly missed Bubbie while I was gone. Cried the moment the plane landed and realized I couldn't kiss him goodnight. Couldn't sleep, woke up to check on him and realized he wasn't there.
When I got home he had grown attached to G. That lasted all of two hours after he realized I was staying. He looked like a little boy when I got back, I was like "what did you do with my baby?".
He recently started to carry things around. It gosh awful cute to see him running around carrying his Buzz Lightyear
On the home front: we are still looking for a house, still with the In-laws, still living out of a suitcase (arghhhhh). We have some prospects in mind and I hope that it will not be long. I long for a home of my own. I never cared much about closets or dressers, but since I haven't had either in over 5 1/2 months now I realize I took them for granted. It so frustrating when G asks me to put something away and I have no place to put it.
aww I can only imagine how hard it must have been to be away! Hope house hunting goes well!