Thursday, February 10, 2011

Team Up Thursday - Celebration

I thought and I thought about this theme. We were not having any parties and it's not a holiday so I had no idea. I even went as far as looking up the definition of the word Celebration. One of the definitions was: To perform (a religious ceremony): celebrate Mass.
That's when I knew what photo I would use. I helped my mother this weekend with a First Communion Retreat where the children were celebrating the Mass. They learned about the different parts of the mass and made these "prayer cloths" with symbols important to our religion.

Celebrate TUT

Now, Jen's daughter had something to celebrate, a snow day. I remember praying for snow as a kid just to get a snow day. Nothing beat a snow day when I was a kid. It's something about playing in the snow, having hot chocolate and watching movies as you thaw out. Now I wish I had a snow day!

Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma


  1. I love the unique twist you put on the celebrate theme. :)

  2. love these two different interpretations. just goes to show that you can always find something to celebrate!

  3. Cara, this is such a beautiful interpretation of "celebrate." I love it!

  4. I totally missed posting mine yesterday. I stayed home because of the snow day and stayed away from the computer. Your shot is so beautiful.

  5. Love the two different shots from you guys this week - both fantastic celebrations!

  6. What a great thing to celebrate. Thanks for playing with us.
