I totally love fall, I am anxiously awaiting cold mornings and crisp evenings. I love how the days, although getting shorter, we still tend to spend more time outside at the end if the day in the fall. I like the feel of a sweatshirt and how your nose is just a bit cold. Smore's on the patio with the neighbors and the fire pit are even better in the fall. Kid's are back to school and tired by the time they go to bed. You name it I love fall.
This week though I held on to the last thread of summer and I am so glad I did. I had to travel last week for work, which you would think would be a nice break for a momma. Well it's not. You wake to check on your kids who are not there, and then not sleep wondering about them. You miss the smell of cereal bars and milk on their breath as they kiss you good bye at the beginning of the day. You really miss the light in there face when they see you after eight hours absence. When your away, your just way.
I decided to take a looonnggg weekend after my work travel and boy was that what the doctored ordered. We all hung onto the end of summer just one more little bit and had a great time doing so. We rode our bikes on the boards, played in the waves, road the rides, and indulged in the "boardwalk diet" (Curly's boardwalk fries and Kohr's frozen custard). We were only a hour and a half from home but it felt like we were much farther.
I am calling this one my best shot, I think it speaks for itself but I titled it:
Holding Onto Summer

For more best shots: