Thursday, September 30, 2010

Team Up Thursday - Technology

Jen and I were on the same wavelength this week. I just got this tiny iPod Shuffle and love it. It weighs nothing and hold a good bit of songs. I am finding it easier to run to music than nothing at all. I am still trying to work my way up to running the 5K at the end of October. I can do 3.1 miles but I am not actually running the whole time , yet. I do a walk/run combo, some days I do so much better than others.
Jen on the other hand is doing way better than I. I like the Nike + iPod application she is using. I may have to look into that, which might also lead to looking into getting an iPod touch (that's a hint for my husband).

Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma

Monday, September 27, 2010

Best Shot Monday- i *heart* fall

I totally love fall, I am anxiously awaiting cold mornings and crisp evenings. I love how the days, although getting shorter, we still tend to spend more time outside at the end if the day in the fall. I like the feel of a sweatshirt and how your nose is just a bit cold. Smore's on the patio with the neighbors and the fire pit are even better in the fall. Kid's are back to school and tired by the time they go to bed. You name it I love fall.

This week though I held on to the last thread of summer and I am so glad I did. I had to travel last week for work, which you would think would be a nice break for a momma. Well it's not. You wake to check on your kids who are not there, and then not sleep wondering about them. You miss the smell of cereal bars and milk on their breath as they kiss you good bye at the beginning of the day. You really miss the light in there face when they see you after eight hours absence. When your away, your just way.

I decided to take a looonnggg weekend after my work travel and boy was that what the doctored ordered. We all hung onto the end of summer just one more little bit and had a great time doing so. We rode our bikes on the boards, played in the waves, road the rides, and indulged in the "boardwalk diet" (Curly's boardwalk fries and Kohr's frozen custard). We were only a hour and a half from home but it felt like we were much farther.

I am calling this one my best shot, I think it speaks for itself but I titled it:

Holding Onto Summer

For more best shots:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

There was no doubt...

that he would run straight for the water.

that he would dive in head first.

that he would become one with the sand.

He who told me...

I don't like the beach.

I don't like the ocean.

I don't like the waves.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Team Up Thursday - Dreams of Flying

This week Megan and Melody gave us a fun assignment. We were to emulate the photographer Jan von Holleben, who creates amazing photographs of children who appear to defy gravity.

It was fun trying to come up with an idea that he had not already done, and he had done so many. It was also hard to execute because it takes time and cooperation. Since my boys are still very young and live only in their own moments they were not ideal subjects. I was fortunate that the girls next door are so sweet and cooperative and agreed to be my subjects. The only time we had to do it was in the full blazing sun and they were such good sports. (Thanks Chiara and Kylie!)

I love Jen'sand how she was able to involve some props. I can imagine Harper and Miller had a great time with it as well. I was also fortunate that Jen put the pictures together for us this week. I am traveling for work and feel like a fish out of water not being able to edit any photos. (Thanks Jen!)

Team Up Thursday - Dreams of Flying

I am super excited to see what other did and you should too.

Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Team Up Thursday - Faceless Portrait

Jen and I decided on the theme faceless portrait. There is something about a picture of person where you can't see their face that appeals to me. It's the wonder of who it is that keeps me looking at the photo longer.

I think that is Jen in her shot (on the right) but I can't say for sure and that's what I like about it, not to mention it's such cool shot. I like how "she" is off centered and how there is a big contrast between "her" and the background.

TUT_faceless portrait

My photo is of me. I took a shot of my running shoes, yes I said running. I am on a little mission to run a 5K for the JDRF in October. I am getting there slowly but surely. I have been doing the run/walk combo for training. I have also been able to run a straight non-stop mile a couple of times now and I am so stoked!

Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Out Take

I love this picture of my boys and got many compliments, to which I say thank you. What I find funny is; you may notice Nicolo's hand is a little blurred and already in motion. This is because with the next click of the shutter he had his hand in Francesco's face. Sometime the out takes are as good as the keepers.
futureout take

Monday, September 13, 2010

Best Shot Monday: Who Holds The Future

I know not what the future holds, but I know who holds the future.
~Author Unknown



Thursday, September 9, 2010

Team Up Thursday - Play

Jen and I lost track of time this week and decided on a theme on Tuesday (LOL). We went with "play" which seem appropriate since we are normally surrounded by our kids. I like the theme because I knew I had captured a few play shot from the weekend (is that cheating?).

I was really surprised how great these shots go together. They just scream play to me. I love the angle of Jen's and how she caught the ball and the tee as they fell. Mine is of my niece and nephew playing in the yard at their house. I like the expression on their faces and the light at that time of day.

If you want to play head on over:

Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

All I Said Was...

Would you like a banana?

This was the response:






The answer was No!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Best Shot Monday - Thomas

I think the picture speaks for itself. I will of course tell you why I like it. I like the expression on Gioiella's face blurred in the back ground, they way Thomas made eye contact with me and the memory of the great day we had at their house.


Let me just say this kid is an awesome brother to his sisters and a great cousin to my kids. He's an all around great kid!

For more great shots:

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Team-Up Thursday - Selective Focus

Jen and I decided to tag along with the girls and use the theme selective focus. I thought this was a fun theme. I tried to take a bunch of photos of different things but this tree photo was my favorite.

I love that Jen found her's right in her own garden. Those brussel sprouts would be great dry roasted, mmmmmm! Mine is of a tree outside where I work. I know that the people I work with think I am crazy sometimes. I must look odd taking a picture of a leaf on a tree with a long lens on the camera, I was using my 70-200mm.

Hosted by Megan and Hip Momma