Tonight he did his usual stall tactics at bedtime. Being it's Friday, we are much more lenient about the exact time he goes to bed. When I did finally get him to his room his last ditch effort was the request to "snuggle".
How could I refuse, the day will come when he won't want to be in the same room as me. So we snuggled.
I said to him, "you know when you're ten you won't want to snuggle with me." He tell me he want to make it to 100(year old). I said, "I hope you do."
He then says, "we need to make it to 100 together" (I almost cried, he said it so sincere). I told him I would try, but I did not think that would happen. He proceeds to then tell me I should at least get to 7 (years old)- I chuckled. I tell him I have already been there.
He then reminds me, "Do you know why I have to get bigger mommy? "
"So I can drive till I am 100."
"I hope you do, baby."
"I am not a baby!"
"What are you then?"
"Your sweetheart, goodnight mommy!"
You got that right! Good night SWEETHEART!
I will miss this time but I won't forget it!