Thursday, May 28, 2009

Theme Thursday: Memories

End of May 2006 ~33 Weeks Pregnant with Francesco.

For more Memories head on over to Amy Jo's at Cheese Party.


  1. I love old preggo photos. No matter how uncomfortable those last days can be, it's such a special bonding time between mom and baby. Thanks for sharing your memories!

  2. your boys and your photography are beautiful! thanks for commenting on my Urbanity blog so I could find you here!

  3. Wow! You were a beautiful pregnant momma! I took pictures every few weeks when I was pregnant with Caden, by the time I got to Cole, I hated the Camera & only took a couple!

  4. were an adorable pg momma! I was the same as Jaimee...meticulous with Em and every month belly shots...not so with poor Ad. Ah, makes me sad...

  5. This makes me sad, because I have NO pictures of me pregnant. Seriously, not a one. :( You were a lovely pregnant mama!

  6. I love that you're shoeless. That's a true pregnant mama there! Beautimus. ;)
