Sunday, December 28, 2008

E-A-G-L-E-S !

Now if you are a Cowboys fan I am sorry!  I just had to post these pictures. 

We have a friend that is a die hard Cowboys fan (and married to a die hard Eagles fan), anytime the Eagles beat the Cowboys it a "tradition" to rub it in.  Now mind you it goes both ways.

This time we just happen to have matching Eagle's jammies the boys got from Nana.  I just couldn't resist.

We use to just inundate him with text messages that say "how about them Cowboys", but now we've up the anti with Facebook and blogs.

Francesco: Look Nicolo, the Cowboy's fumbled.
Nicolo: hehehehehehehehehe!

Nicolo: Looks Francesco, another Cowboy's fumble.
Francesco: hehehehehehehe!
Francesco: We got another touchdown!  Now its 44-6!
Nicolo:Yeah!  Go EAGLES!
Francesco:  Hey Nicolo, how about them Cowboys!
Nicolo: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!


  1. I have to say that although I am not a football fan in the least, your two cuties are almost enough to make me cheer for the Eagles!

  2. These are sooooo cute! My boys were laughing as well but they aren't as cute since they're all grown up!
    Go E-A-G-L-E-S!!!

  3. LOL...oh good golly, that's not rubbing it in AT ALL. ;) Love the captions with the pictures and they are too cute!

  4. That first picture with Nicolo laughing is so funny. I almost hear the hehehehe

  5. You are too funny. I love the dialogue with the pictures!

  6. I'm so not into football, but I could be with these pictures! My bro and sis in law bought my little one a Buffalo Bills t-shirt. It didn't help though because the lost :(

  7. Those first three pictures are killer! LOL!

  8. I'm not necessarily an Eagles fan, but as I love the Packers and anyone who is playing those silly COWPOKES (or Vikings), I was in the Atlanta airport on 12/28 cheering on the Eagles so loudly I embarrassed my hubby!!! I almost felt sorry for Tony Simpson, I mean Romo when he fell on the turf and buried his head in the grass in dismay...but that passed. :) Congrats to your Eagles, and what cute boys you have! Glad to have found your blog...

  9. Well, we are die hard Cowboys fans around here, of course. But, you can totally gloat about that was absolutely ridiculous and embarrassing! You totally deserved to win! The pics of the boys are absolutely adorable!
