Saturday, April 12, 2008

4-10-08 @ 10:08

Hercules is here! I was scheduled to have a c-section Monday morning but my boys like to do it their way. I called him Hercules while in-utero because his kicks were so strong, well I found out why, he was 9 lbs.
Here's his stats:
Weight: 9 lbs, 0 ozs
Length: 20 1/2 inches
I went to the doctors on Wednesday night and all was status quo. He said see ya Monday. Thursday morning I went into labor at 5:17 am. I was trying to accommodate G's request to have this one during normal business hour, I was close enough.
By the time I got to the hospital I was really uncomfortable (aka- lots of pain), even though I was going to get a c-section they didn't know when so they offered me an epidural. With Bubbie I had 3 epidurals that I "failed" (they failed me) so I was not to optimistic. I was glad I went for it. This time I got much more pain relief and was able to breath through the contractions until the surgery.
The c-section went fast and all was well with the baby, G again watched the whole thing which amazed the doctors. They wanted to know if he was in the medical profession, I had to break it to them that he was really a computer geek genius.

Bubbie came to visit twice now. The first visit he completely ignored the baby, like he didn't even exists. The second visit he would look his way when he cried or cued and he did kiss him on the head before he left. I hope it goes as well when we get home.

Here are a couple of pictures of my BOYS!


  1. Congratulations!!! What a couple of great looking boys.

  2. congratulations! :) enjoy your first few days with him!

  3. Oh! He's here. And, doesn't he have such a pinchable set of cheeks. Adorable. At least you are ready for a little sibling rivalry.

  4. Congrats to the newly expanded family.

    Love those sweet little boy faces.


    How exciting!!!

    Ooo beautiful so beautiful!

  6. What a beautiful face!!! So perfect. :) Congrats on your new arrival, and I hope things go well in these early weeks with two. I'm reading all I can on having a toddler and baby in case we try again soon, so definitely tell it like it is!!


  7. Congrats! What a cute bunch of boys.

  8. Congratulations. Smell his neck for me...

  9. Awww! Congrats! He is ADORABLE! My #4 was crazy in my tummy... he still is a wild one. :)

    talk to you soon, Brittany
