Monday, February 4, 2008


Friday Bubbie had his surgery to have the tubes placed in his ears. The whole day went really well. I was completely surprised how fast it was.

First I thought he was going to be a real bear with nothing to eat or drink since 8:00 pm the night before and not having the procedure until 8:00 am. He amazingly did not have that big of an issue with the whole thing. He was to busy running up and down the vast hallways at the hospital.

Once we went back to the pre-op area they gave him a little medication in his nose. It took about a min to kick in and then he was loopy. He was trying to talk (he really only babbles) and was slurring his babble. He didn't even put up a fight when I undressed him and the nurses took him back.

We were then instructed to go to the waiting room around the corner. We had just made it there and sat down when his doctor emerged from the OR. He was finished. 7 minutes, that was all it took. I was amazed. The doctor did say that when he put the tube in the left ear (which has always been the problem ear) he had some drainage. He said that was probable the next ear infection brewing. Hopefully we have dodged that bullet.

Within the next 5-10 mins they called us back to recovery and he was awake but groggy. He was babbling up a storm, it was really kind of cute. I only wish I knew what he was saying.

We were home within the hour and he ate a good breakfast and by 10:30 in the morning you would never of know he had anything done. Amazing.

We had to but drops in his ears over the weekend, otherwise it was fairly uneventful. No more drainage from the ears or evidence that he was uncomfortable.

On the bottle front: 7 days with no early morning bottle, he is still getting up around 1:00 - 2:00 am but the time it takes to get him back down is decreasing. We are really sticking to our guns and not giving in. I think he is starting to get the message. Thanks for all the great vibes and words of encouragement! It feels great to know that other are empathizing with you.


  1. That is great news! I am so glad everything went so well. Hopefully the tubes will make sleeping much more comfortable too.
    Thanks for sharing the good news!

  2. I hope this is the start to feeling better, and sleeping better too.


  3. So glad all is well and that the procedure was good.

  4. I'm glad to have read your post on the day before we're scheduled to go for tubes. Here's hoping they help both of our kids!!

