Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Snack Time

I still have to blog and post pictures about Bubbie's 1st Birthday but I want to tell you about the snack we shared today.

Bubbie was getting undone waiting for everyone to get home and for dinner to start. I decided to give him a little snack. I grabbed his snack cup that was filled with crackers. They were a little stale (been in the cup 2 days max), but they did the trick.

He was doing really well pulling the crackers out of the cup, having a good time. I asked him if Mommy could have a cracker and he pulled one out and put it in my mouth. He proceeded to feed himself more crackers. I again asked if Mommy could have one and he pulled the cracker he just put in his mouth out and put it in my mouth.

Now that's love!

Best stale crackers I ever ate.

I am really loving this Mommy stuff!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sorry and a Boo Boo

First, I want to apologizes for my very scant post lately. These past few weeks have been beyond crazy and by the time I stop and sit down for the day, I am not even sure where my laptop is to Blog. I really appreciate all of you that have stopped by and left me comments, I feel bad that I don't blog more. I really want to, believe me.

I am hoping that with the new developments on the home front I will get my wish. G finally got a new job back "home", he come home tomorrow for good. The best part is he comes home just in time for Bubbie's 1st Birthday.

I can not believe he is going to be one.

That brings me to the Boo Boo. Here we are 2 days shy of the covenant 1st Birthday and Bubbie falls at my sisters house and get the biggest, ugliest, bloodiest bump on his noggin.

We stop by to pick up cupcakes that she made for his class at daycare (she is the best, I don't have time to make the cupcakes so she did it for me, I really do know how lucky I am to have her). So now for all those wonderful 1st birthday pictures he will have a purple knot on his forehead. I will post one once I take it tomorrow.

He goes for his 12 month well visit on Thursday with that knot. I hate taking him to the doctors with bruises. My PCP is great though, she has 3 kids of her own.

I digress.

This weekend I will be moving back to were we belong, a 10 minute commute from work and I will have my husband back (for good I hope). I also hope to have more time to dedicate to my blog.

Blogging and reading others blogs has been a great comfort to me in these last few months of transition. I am looking forward to continuing to see were it take me and all my blogosphere moms.

Thanks to all of you. Blog you soon!


Friday, July 20, 2007


I made it through my first week at my new position. The hardest thing to get use to will be sitting in a office chair most of the day.

I do feel like a fish out of water. I went from working in the clinical word (with people) to now working in the technical world (with computers).

This past week I went to more meetings than I did in my last 5 years at my previous job. One day the project manager even told us to go to lunch and expense it. I almost fell out of my chair, I never got lunch at my last job let alone go out and charge it to someone else.

Soon I will go to school to really learn the system I will be working on. I hope that after that I will at least feel like I belong in the pond with all the other big fish.

Overall, a good week. I am learning all new things and I am really excited about the challenge. Let hope I am still saying that in 6 months.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Milk does the body good??

So I was a little over zealous with the wean from formula to milk. I felt that at 11 months and 1 week I could start the wean without issue.


Bubbie had all kinds of issues in the beginning, I swore he was lactose intolerant (runs in the family on his fathers side). The Doctor tells me that babies usually develop intolerance as they age.

Bubbie was on so many formulas until I made the executive decision to put him on a milk based lactose free formula.

Ahhh, heaven.

So at 9 months I slowing switched him to a stage 2 formula that was milked based and not considered lactose free.

No problem.

Here I go with the next phase, formula to milk. Slowly creeping it up till it was half/half. Still seem to be find.

Last weekend I ran out of formula and went straight to full milk. He lapped it up like a kitten, loved it. Hurray!


He liked its taste but his belly had other plans. All of the sudden he has had horrible yellow/white diarrhea 6 x a day.


No that's not an official diagnosis but as I have gone back to the stage 2 formula thing are starting to improve. His bowel are still very loose but starting to resemble a normal color.

Has anyone else had this issue? I am going to ask the Doctor if I should try Lactose free milk or if I just have to stick with the formula.


Saturday, July 14, 2007

You would think by now I would know

This is just going to be a short long rant. I have to get it out or it eats me up.

I am spending the weekend at the in-laws, so I still have two days to go. Let me just say I love them to death and they are very good to my family. I just get frustrated when my MIL questions my ability to know what my son needs or wants.

Yesterday, Bubbie did not take an afternoon nap, so by 7:00 pm (normal bed time for him is 7:30-7:45) he was completely undone and wanted no part of his dinner (they always eat that late). I made the executive decision to give him a bottle and put him down for the night. Of course I got the "are you putting him to bed this early?" comment. He was sooooo tired, you would think by now I would know when he is need to go to bed.

This morning when I came out to living room with him (mine you we had been up for a hour already) I put on Toy Story. He loves it and it gives me a chance to make a trip to the powder room without a baby clinging to my leg. I got the "the experts say that any TV at a young age creates a short attention span" comment. Well guess what, if it holds his interest long enough for me to go the bathroom in peace the experts can Kiss My A**.

Then, when I went to feed him at his normal breakfast time, he was giving me a hard time. He was throwing his bagel on the floor, spitting the eggs out, etc. His normal eating routine. It's never a straight up chow down for him. He messes around, eats a little, messes around, so on and so forth. I get "are you sure he is hungry?" comment. I feed this child 4 bottle and 3 solid meals a day, you would think by now I would know when he is hungry.

Thank God we are house hunting today and tomorrow. Pray I find a home of my own soooooooooooon!!

Thanks for listening, I feel much better!

Monday, July 9, 2007

8 Random Facts

I was tagged by In the Trenches of Mommyhood for a 8 random facts meme. I hope you don't run away screaming in boredom.

Now remember she didn't say they had to be interesting facts, just random. Here it goes:

1. I am also hopelessly addicted to the Big Brother reality show. Last year I got my husband hooked. I don't really watch that much TV, it's usually on the Noggin Channel but I TiVo Big Brother as to not miss and episode. I will even read transcripts of the live feed on the Internet. Like I said, addicted.

2. My mom was right about my husband! She would always say that I would meet the "right person" when I wasn't looking or least expected it. Damn it, my mom was right! (I hate when she does that)

3. I use to smoke but gave it up totally the day I found out I was pregnant and I never have and won't go back.

4. I am slightly obsessed with baby boy's clothes. Bubbie doesn't need any more clothes but I always find thing that he really (really) needs. To my credit though people do comment on how snazzy he dresses.

5. I have taught myself to make pillows/blankets/curtains with a sewing machine. I wish I could do more. I may take a class someday. May I can make some clothes for Bubbie.

6. I read cookbooks like novels. I can settle down for the night with a cook book and read until I fall asleep. I actually thought about going to culinary school at one time.

7. I use to help a friend of mine "show" sheep at the State Fair when I was in my late teens. This task involved washing the sheep (with shampoo for curly hair) and carrying them (because they would roll around in the dirt if we didn't) back to the pen for clipping. Nothing smells better than a wet sheep!

8. I crack my "knuckles" and it drives my husband insane. Once I crack one I have to crack them all and G gets so annoyed with me. Hehehehehehe!

Now I get to tag 8 people: This was hard because I know a lot of my fellow blogger have already been tagged and there are so many to choose from.

1. Kara at You Can't Reason with Crazy

2. Lost in the Sauce at The Three Fruits

3. Meg at Simply Nutmeg

4. Chelle at Crazy Thoughts

5. Awesome Mom at Adventures of an Awesome Mother

6. Angela at My Daily Struggle

7. Shauna at Pass The Chocolate

8. Jen at Get In The Car!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Launching Torpedo’s

Up until now all of Bubbie's baths have been pretty uneventful. Splashing, playing and drinking soapy water was the extent of them.

Just two days ago my father made a comment about babies and baths. Something about "Launching Torpedo's", it took me a minute or two but I realized he was talking about POOP!

Well, he must of had a talk with Bubbie about this. Yesterday I was giving him a nice long bath, were I was letting him play for a while before I got the soap out. Just as I was reaching for the baby wash this large brown "torpedo" came whizzing by. I wasn't sure what I was looking at. Then I realized there were numerous "torpedo's" just floating around.

I had to get him out, fish out the "torpedo's", clean all the toys and refill the tub. He sat on the floor of the bathroom just giggling away. I scrubbed him really good, I was afraid I might miss a spot were poop could have touched.

Let's just say he was the cleanest he has ever been after all that.

You know for sure your a Mom when you are fishing Poop out of a tub and not in the least grossed out.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Rockin' Girl Blogger

The very awesome, generous and funny lady over at Simply Nutmeg bestowed the following award upon me recently:

First of all this is my first award. I would like to thank my husband for his kind support (as you all know he is a saint "You have got to be kidding me "). I also like to thank Bubbie, without him I would not have much to blog about, he fills my life with joy and wonder (I wonder a lot lately) on a daily basis.

Most of all I would like to thank all my fellow Mommy Bloggers in my wonderful Blogosphere. I really enjoy reading about your adventures. I feel like I am not the only one having fun or struggling to survive.

Now I get to tag 5 awesome Rockin Girl Bloggers: Of course Simply Nutmeg totally rocks, and here are five more.

1. You can't reason with Crazy : I so wish I would have thought of this title for my blog, she has two awesome boys and relates to the everyday aspects of raising boys.
2. In the Trenches of Motherhood : She has three boys and I love all the things her boys get into, it's like looking into the future, I am taking notes.
3. My Daily Struggle : I really want to take photography lessons from her, she take the most amazing pictures and has an amazing daughter. Her pictures are worth a thousand words.
4. Crazy Thoughts : Chelle has one boy/one girl. Amazing kids that keep her busy.
5. The Three Fruits : this blog has just got started, I think she only has a picture currently posted. I am hoping that this aware will inspire her to blog so you all can see she really does rock!

So now I am off to find a nice spot on my side bar to put my award. I am just glowing with pride. Thanks Meg!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Got it!

I recently posted "I think I can." I had just been called for an interview for a new job. Since that time I interview three times and just got offered a new position.

Yippee, hurray!

I am really excited about the job. Its a great opportunity and a resume builder. Not to mention a nice pay raise.

It really floored some of my co-worker that I was leaving. I never let anyone know I was even pursuing new avenues. Change is good, and I really need it.

So in 2 weeks I start my new position. My one apprehension is that I have to go out of town for training. It will be the first time in Bubbie's life that we will be apart for more than a few hours. The longest I have left him is 9-10 hours at daycare.

He will probably do fine. I on the other hand will drive my sister nuts calling to see how he is. Do you think she will mine if I phone at 3 am to see if he is breathing?