As of right now I have exactly 33 days till my scheduled C-section. I am pretty certain that she will not wait that long since that is only 4 days prior to my due date. I tried that with Nicolo and at 39 weeks exactly I went into labor, same for Francesco (except I did not have a C-section scheduled then). I know that it take 40 week gestation to have a baby but not my babies, it take 39. Not to mention that Nicolo was 9lbs at 39 weeks.
We have been contemplating the height and weight of this little girl; Michael say she'll be 20 inches and 9.5 lbs., I say she will be 21 inches (cause she feels long) and about 8.5 lbs. We'll see soon enough. I have not bought anything in the "newborn" size. I did finally get the car seat so we can bring her home and a few baby essentials. It strange that with number three I don't feel the need to have all the stuff that I had to have for number one. I have a place for her to sleep, stuff to feed her, change her, clothe her, and get her home safe. Sound like enough for me!