After Breakfast 6/29/2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
The Kids Were Here {1}
As I walk around my house each morning, noon and night to pick up the kids things I think to myself, you can really tell kids live here. Recently I saw a project over at Erika Ray Photography called "The Kids Were Here" that she was participating in. I kept seeing her photos and thinking to myself, I could totally relate. I have decided to do a little project of my own, to capture in photos the evidence that my kids were here. I am just going to randomly post, no set number of days, no set days of the week, no end date. Just when the urge hits me.

After Breakfast 6/29/2011
After Breakfast 6/29/2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
52 Weeks of Me: Week 26 {Daily Object}
Woo Hoo, week 26! We are halfway through the year. It's been such a fun project to host with Jessie's. This weeks theme was Daily Object. I thought and thought about what would be my daily object, cup of coffee, iPad, laptop, toothbrush, blackberry, the list goes on. Then I thought of the thing I grab everyday as I walk out the door, my keys! I have them with me every day, now that is a daily object. I also think it is interesting the different thing people have on their key rings. Mine is pretty typical, a key fob, store cards and a little flashlight.

Next week theme is: At home/At work, this can be a good think out of the box one. I will probably procrastinate and come up with something very literal, but we shall see.
As always I am so grateful to all who are participating! Don't forget there is the Flickr Group and we also have posted all the theme there (Thanks to Jessie for finishing them up). Plus, if you want this cute blog button swing by Jessie's she has the code.
Next week theme is: At home/At work, this can be a good think out of the box one. I will probably procrastinate and come up with something very literal, but we shall see.
As always I am so grateful to all who are participating! Don't forget there is the Flickr Group and we also have posted all the theme there (Thanks to Jessie for finishing them up). Plus, if you want this cute blog button swing by Jessie's she has the code.
Monday, June 20, 2011
52 Weeks of Me: Week 24 {Framing You} & 25 {Shoot Through}
I know, I know I am really slacking on getting my selfies done. I missed the week before and late on this week. You would never know by my blog post that I am a very punctual person.
The week before the theme was Framing You. I wanted to think outside the box but I couldn't get outside the house. I opted for the obvious as you can tell.

This weeks theme is Shoot Through glass/water/etc., I went with glass. I kind of like how you see the reflection of all the stuff outside, especially the trees. It's almost like a texture.

Next week theme: Daily Object, pick an object that you interact with daily and have that in your shot or the main focus.
I can not believe that next week we are half way there. Keep up the great work ladies!
As always I am so grateful to all who are participating! Don't forget there is the Flickr Group and we also have posted all the theme there (Thanks to Jessie for finishing them up). Plus, if you want this cute blog button swing by Jessie's she has the code.
The week before the theme was Framing You. I wanted to think outside the box but I couldn't get outside the house. I opted for the obvious as you can tell.
This weeks theme is Shoot Through glass/water/etc., I went with glass. I kind of like how you see the reflection of all the stuff outside, especially the trees. It's almost like a texture.
Next week theme: Daily Object, pick an object that you interact with daily and have that in your shot or the main focus.
I can not believe that next week we are half way there. Keep up the great work ladies!
As always I am so grateful to all who are participating! Don't forget there is the Flickr Group and we also have posted all the theme there (Thanks to Jessie for finishing them up). Plus, if you want this cute blog button swing by Jessie's she has the code.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
How does your garden grow?
We planted a garden this season, not to get a bumper crop but to watch the change from seed to plant to fruit. It has been fun to water, watch and wait. This morning the cucumber plants flower were open, the tomato plant had one small fruit and the basil is just flourishing.

We are also participating in a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) this year. I thinks it a great way to support local farmers, try new thing and to know where your food comes from. I have to find a good recipe for garlic scapes and decide what to do with Bok Choy this week.
In our garden the boys are most looking forward to the watermelon growing and I the tomato. Is there really anything better than a ripe, juice tomato??????
We are also participating in a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) this year. I thinks it a great way to support local farmers, try new thing and to know where your food comes from. I have to find a good recipe for garlic scapes and decide what to do with Bok Choy this week.
In our garden the boys are most looking forward to the watermelon growing and I the tomato. Is there really anything better than a ripe, juice tomato??????
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Photo Commitment
I love taking pictures but have such a hard time deciding which ones I want to actually hang up. If I had it my way I would hang them all but that can get a little out of hand. So I have a hard time committing to a photo to blow up and hang on the wall. I recently did a canvas of a photo that I took for my Picture Fall class hosted by the fabulous Tracey Clark. It's a photo I just kept going back to, let say I am so glad I chose this one.

Michael has not seen it yet (the blown up canvas) but I am pretty sure he will make some reference to the fact that you can't see their faces. He does that just to goat me though. I think he will love it just as much as I do!
Michael has not seen it yet (the blown up canvas) but I am pretty sure he will make some reference to the fact that you can't see their faces. He does that just to goat me though. I think he will love it just as much as I do!
Monday, June 6, 2011
52 Weeks of Me: Week 23 {Connection}
This week theme was connection and I have never felt so connected to anyone the way I feel connected to my children. It's such a deep connection I can hardly find the words to describe it. I always knew I wanted to be a mother but I never knew just how close I would feel to my children. I feel connected to my husband but to my boys it's internal. I am certain that when they are teenagers they won't want to snuggle anymore. I am capturing this moment, when I feel the most connected to them, to remind me of this time.
The tie which links mother and child is of such pure and immaculate strength as to be never violated. ~Washington Irving
Next weeks theme is: Framing You, that could be fun and challenging.
I want Mitchelle to know that we are all praying for her husband and her family in this time of need.
As always I am so grateful to all who are participating! Don't forget there is the Flickr Group and we also have posted all the theme there (Thanks to Jessie for finishing them up). Plus, if you want this cute blog button swing by Jessie's she has the code.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Thursday, June 2, 2011
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